
時間:2022-11-13 作者:Cold-blooded 備課教案




teaching aims:

1.review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.

2.review the common verbs that take indirect objects.

3.train the students’ integrating skills by reading and writing.

teaching important points:

1.improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

2.improve the students’ writing ability.

teaching difficult point:

how to improve the students’ integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill.

teaching methods:

1.fast-reading and reading to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.practice and pair work or group work to have every student master what they’ve learned.

teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.the multimedia

3.the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step Ⅰ greetings and revision

(greet the whole class as usual.)

t:yesterday we learned the grammar-direct and indirect objects.we know there are some verbs that can be followed by objects.who can tell us what they are?

s1:they are “give,show,send,read,lend…”.

s2:and “make,buy,do,get…”.

t:right.sit down,please.we should also notice the usage of “to” and “for” when we interchange them.

step Ⅱ test

t:in this unit we have also learned some useful expressions.have you remembered them?


t:ok.now let’s review them together.i speak chinese,you speak english.

(teacher writes the following on the blackboard when students say them.)

share with,treat…as,deal with,the ability to do,play a…role,realize one’s dream,get around,adjust to

t:now i’ll give you a test to see whether you’ve mastered them or not.look at the screen,please.

(show the following on the screen.)

complete the sentences using the expressions on the blackboard.

1.i__________my lunch__________(分享) him yesterday.

2.the police__________his death__________(把……看作) a case of murder.

3.how shall we__________(處理) the problem?

4.the boy has__________(有能力) solve the difficult problem.

5.the teacher__________(起重要作用) in teaching.

6.in order to__________(實現(xiàn)夢想),they worked day and night.

7.the policemen__________(四處走動) and tried to find the thief.

8.it will take you some time to__________(適應) the new surroundings.

suggested answers:

1.shared,with 2.treated,as

3.deal with 4.the ability to

5.plays an important role 6.realize their dreams

7.got around 8.adjust to

step Ⅲ fast reading

t:we’ve learned something about disabilities.they hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should provide more opportunities for the disabled to develop their potential,and let them live a richer life and make a contribution to society.we should help them overcome the difficulties.

today we’re going to read a material“the special olympics”.please turn to page 55.read the text fast and try to get the general idea.

step Ⅳ reading

t:now read the text again.read it carefully and discuss the following questions on the screen with your partner.write your answers on a piece of paper.in a few minutes,i’ll ask some pairs to give us the answers.

(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

answer the following questions:

1.how often is the special olympics held?

2.why do many special olympics athletes think that “taking part in the games is a victory”?

3.how do events like the special olympics help mentally disabled people?

4.where was the first special olympics held?

5.why do you think the special olympics are becoming more popular?

6.when will the special olympics be held in shanghai?

(the teacher goes among the students,joins in the students’ discussion and answers the students’ questions.)

(a few minutes later.)

t:have you finished?(ss:yes.)give us your answers,please.one student,one question.any volunteer?

s1:1.every two years.

s2:2.because each athlete had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardship to reach the games.for them,winning isn’t to be the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals,but the best you can be.

s3:3.by preparing for and participating in the special olympics,mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move,improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.the special olympics is also a good way to make friends.

s4:4.in chicago.

s5:5.because interest in the special olympics has spread across the world and many cities are now competing for the honour to host the event.

s6:6.in 2007.

t:now look at the screen again.i’ll explain some words and expressions of the text so that you can use them freely.please listen to me carefully.

1.every two years=every second(other)year

e.g.he comes here every three days/every third day.

2.athletes at the special olympics are fighters in more than one way.

e.g.the travel to beijing is more than sightseeing.

he has more than twenty yuan with him.

3.fail vi. & vt.

e.g.i failed in persuading(to persuade)him.

don’t fail to ring me up.

time failed me to finish my talk.

4.consider +n./pron./doing

e.g.he is considering changing his job.

consider+sb.+(to be)+n./adj.

e.g.they considered themselves very important.

5.participate=take part vi.

e.g.i participated(took part)in the game.

6.compete in;compete in a race;compete for;compete with sb. for sth.

e.g.cities in the world are now competing for the honour to host the olympic games.

t:do you have anything else you don’t understand?if you have,please tell me.i’ll be glad to have a discussion with you.

(the teacher answers any questions asked by the students.)

step Ⅴ listening and reading aloud

t:let’s listen to the tape.when i play it for the first time,just listen to it.when i play it for the second time,please listen and repeat.then read the text aloud.are you clear about it?


(the teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.then when the students read the text,the teacher goes among the students and corrects the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)

step Ⅵ practice

t:now let’s do an exercise.you should do it like this:try to find useful expressions in the text and make sentences with them in groups of four.one student,one sentence.do it by turns.are you clear about it?


(a few minutes later)

t:now i’ll ask some students to make sentences.one sentence at a time.s1,please give us your sentence.

s1:i’ll make a sentence with the phrase“every four years”.

the olympic games is held every four years.

t:please go on.

s2:fail to do

he failed to pass the english exam.

s3:more than

more than one person has made the suggestion.


we don’t consider tom to be our best friend.

s5:take part/participate

all the students took part/participated in the sports meeting in our school.


he competed with other players for the champion.

step Ⅶ writing

t:now you’ve known something about disabilities.i think many students will show their love to the disabled from now on.what should we do to help them in our daily life?

s7:if we are organizing an event,we must imagine that people with disabilities may want to come to it.so we must make sure that they can enter and use all parts of the building.

s8:when we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor,as well as lifts,suitable bathrooms and toilets.we must also make sure that signs are clear and easy to read.


t:ok.it’s very kind of you!after class,please conduct a survey of the public places where you live in.start with your school:how easy or difficult is it for a disabled person to get around?visit other public buildings and find out if they are accessible or not.work in pairs or groups and make a checklist for your survey.use the results to write an essay.describe the current situation and suggest ways to improve the situation.

suggested writing:

after several days’ survey,i found that the government paid a little attention to the disabled and spend much money on new buildings.there is no special road for the blind.the buildings have many steps,and it’s difficult for the disabled to get into them.

a new government programme has been designed to help disabled people.more special schools will be built.not only will help be given to people to find jobs,but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.but the truth is that everyone should take care of disabled people,not just the government.if everyone shows love to them,their life will be much better.

step Ⅷ summary and homework

t:in this class,we’ve reviewed the useful expressions and learned the text“the special olympics”.we practise how to write the article on disabilities.after class,go over all the important points learnt in this unit,and write an essay.prepare for next unit.class is over.

step Ⅸ the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 17 disabilities

the fourth period

important phrases:

share with,treat…as,deal with,the ability to do,play a…role,realize one’s dream,get around,adjust to

step Ⅹ record after teaching

★ 高一第二學期13單元教案(人教版高一英語下冊教案教學設計)

★ unit 20 humour whole unit(人教版高一英語下冊教案教學設計)

★ 高一上unit 13 教案8

★ 高二英語教案學案一體化 unit 3(人教版高二英語上冊教案教學設計)

★ 模塊6 unit 1 全單元教學案(安徽黃口中學)(新課標版高二英語選修六教案教學設計)

★ 人教版六年級英語下冊教案

★ 解決問題 教案教學設計(人教版三年級下冊)

★ 啟東中學網(wǎng)校高二unit 3 同步講解(人教版高二英語上冊教案教學設計)

★ unit 10 american literature (人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

★ 新目標英語go for it八年級上unit 1教案





我說課的內(nèi)容是外研版《英語》(新標準)高中第一冊(必修1)module 2 my new teachers 的reading and vocabulary的短文閱讀。本模塊以my new teachers 為話題,介紹了具有不同教學風格和個性特征的教師,旨在通過模塊的教學使學生學會描述教師及校園生活,并能運用所學詞匯、句型來表達自己的喜好,同時通過學習制定好教師的標準使師生之間相互了解。

introduction 部分已主要介紹表示個性特征的形容詞,并通過聽力活動對描述教師風格的陳述進行判斷;reading and vocabulary部分要求學生利用提供的詞匯閱讀三篇短文,了解不同教師的教學風格。訓練學生圍繞學校生活對教師個性特征、教學風格進行由淺入深的描寫。











加深對老師的了解和熱愛, 既發(fā)揮學習主動性也配合教師的教學工作,實現(xiàn)感情交流, 使師生關(guān)系更加融洽。








新課程提倡運用任務型教學途徑,圍繞核心問題,設定小任務;圍繞文章內(nèi)容,盡可能提供訓練學生技能的機會;開展自主性學習的課堂活動,強調(diào)合作探究與獨立思考相結(jié)合。任務型教學:任務型教學強調(diào)語言學習應該是在“做中學”“用中學”。任務設計應該貼近學習者的生活,才能激發(fā)學習者的背景知識,激發(fā)他們的學習的興趣,語言才能在經(jīng)意中習得(incidental acquisition).








step1. lead-in(brainstorming)


t: what shall we talk about today?

s: my new teachers.

t: you have already been students for about 9 years. during the 9 years, you must have met different teachers.

could you use some adjectives to describe these teachers?

s: yes.

t: let’s play a game. i’ll divide the class into two parts. one part is boys, the other is girls. let’s see which group gets more words.

第一環(huán)節(jié):導入與復習。這部分起到復習舊知導入新知的作用。主要任務是使用學過的形容詞描述老師,既復習了上節(jié)課涉及到的詞匯,又很自然地進入到今天主要談論的話題。為避免學生對詞匯復習感到枯燥無味,于是采用游戲形式brainstorming完成,程度地調(diào)動了學生的學習興趣,所以這部分也屬于激趣階段。step2: pre-reading


2.讓學生帶著reading activity1中的兩個問題,進行聽力訓練,使學生初步感知課文內(nèi)容,訓練學生的聽力撲捉能力,為進一步的閱讀理解打下基礎(chǔ)。

t: talking about teachers is an interesting topic for students all the time.

now, we’ll read three compositions about three teachers written by their students. and we’ll know more about them. let’s know them first.

s: mrs li, mr wu, mrs chen.

t: first, let’s listen to the tape and try your best to answer the two questions.

1. which teachers do students like a lot?

2. who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?

step3: while-reading




(1) which paragraphs tell us what the teachers look like?

(2) what subjects does each teacher teach?

(3) who is the most popular teacher?

(4) who is the kindest teacher?

(5) which teacher is students most afraid of?

(6) which teachers explain things clearly?







mrs li

mrs chen

mr wu



which teachers do you like best, mrs li, mrs chen or mr wu? why?




step 5. homework:

write a composition about your favorite teacher.


1. words describing your teacher:

team1(girls) team2(boys)

patien kind

lively popular

... …



教學課題: there be 句型專題


1、掌握there be 結(jié)構(gòu)所表達的意義。

2、能聽懂和看懂包含there be 句型的簡短對話。

3、能運用學過詞匯和there be 句型來簡單描述一下某處有某物。


there be 句型的肯定式、否定式一般疑問句及其回答方式。


1、there be概念。

there be ...句型,表示的是“存在”, “某地有某人或某物”,其結(jié)構(gòu)為there be(is,are)+某物 / 某人 + 某地。

2、be動詞的用法。單數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞用is, 復數(shù)用are.

3、there is的句子結(jié)構(gòu): there is a book on the desk. there is some water in the bottle.

5、there are的句子結(jié)構(gòu): there are some pictures on the wall.


7、there be句型就近原則及練習。

四、小結(jié)及there be口訣。



()1.i want to write a lettermy friend.


()2.can you with us?


(the boy speak english?

---yes, he can.


()4.my brother at all.


()5.my mum can very well.


()6.kangaroo can jump very a.lowb.farc.fast

()7.sally oftenstories in english to the clamates.


()8.doctors canthe sick people.


()9.the girl talking me is tom’s cousin.


()10.there are many red apples on the tree autumn.


()11.january is the beginning the year.


()12.the of the year is the first of january.


()13.how manydo you have in a school year?

a.termsb.termc.the term

()14.does your mother often at the weekend?

a.go shoppingb.goes shoppingc.shopping

()15.look, the birds .

a.is flyingb.are flyingc.fly

()16.his birthday is january 15th.


() 17.my father usually ______ to music.


() 18.______your mother often ______ housework on sunday?

a.do , dob.can , doesc.does , do

()19.tim and tom usually _______ lunch at school.


() 20.the man can play badminton very ________.


()21.we _______pick the flowers in the park .


()22.---does your spring term begin in may ?


a.yes, i am ..b.yes, we doc.yes, it does

()23.when is the may day ?

a.it’s on may 1stb.it’s on may 8thc.it’s on may 10th

()24.please count ____january ____december .

a.in , onb.in,inc.from , to


1.how many terms are there in a school year in your school?

2.when is your birthday?

3.how often do you watch tv?

4.what time does your autumn term start?

5.what time does your mother usually get up?

6.what can the dog do?

7.can the birds fly high?

8.what can you do with your hands?

9.do you always understand your english teacher when she speak english.10.what is your mother good at?

11.is your birthday in august?


mr.white and mr.brown live in the same building .mr.brown is english .he

lives on the twelfth floor .he often goes up and down the building in a lift(電梯).he always walks .his factory isn’t near the building .he often goes to work by bus .mr.white is a teacher .he goes to work on foot .they get home at the same time ,at six thirty everyday .

()1.mr.white and mr.brown live in the same apartment.

()2.they work in the same factory , too.

()3.mr.brown comes from england .

()4.mr.brown uses a lift to go up and down.

()5.mr.white goes to work by bus.



































1.能聽懂、會說、會讀交際用語:welcome to … what are these/those?they’re …are these/those …? yes, they are./no, they aren’t

2.能聽懂、會說、會讀詞匯:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

3.能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫詞匯:farm, they, pig, apple, those



1.句型:what are these/those? are these/those …?的語調(diào)和用法。

2.詞匯:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的讀音;a和an用法的區(qū)別;名詞復數(shù)形式。




step1 before class

listen and sing a song:old mac donald had a farm

step 2. warming up

1. free talk.

t:hello,boys and girls.i’m your new english teacher,miss wang.

i’m very glad to be here.

i want to be your friend.

ok,firstly,i want to know your names.

t:what’s your name? who’s your friend?

nice to meet you.welcome to my class.(ppt)

s:thank you.

2. learn to say:welcome to …


3. lead-in and learn

t: boys and girls,we sang a song before class.we were very happy.

we saw a lot of animals there.right?(ppt出現(xiàn)農(nóng)場畫面)

they were on the farm.

learn ‘on the farm’。

step 3. presentation and practice

1.learn : what are these/those? and ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

(1)what are these?they’re pigs.

(2) are these pigs?no,

what are these?they’re cows.

(3) what are those?they’re …s.

are those …?yes./no.


2. let’s say.a chant

these,these. what are these?

pigs,pigs. they’re pigs.

those,those. what are those?

cows,cows. they’re cows.

step 4.text-learning

1.task 1 : let’s listen! who is on the farm too? (誰也在農(nóng)場?)

2.task 2 : listen and tick:what’s on the farm?

3,task 3 : let’s watch: (欣賞動畫,將農(nóng)場上的動植物擺在正確的位置。)

a. pigs

b. cows

c. apples

d. pears

4.task 4 : let’s follow.(跟讀) ☆ 注意語音語調(diào) ☆ 要讀出感情哦

5.task 5 : let’s read. (讓我們讀吧!)分角色朗讀。

6.task 6 : farm show! (農(nóng)場秀!)(發(fā)揮想象創(chuàng)編并表演,說得越多越好哦!)

t:it’s great fun to visit a farm. liu tao and mike have great fun on the farm. it’s great fun to have a farm,too.

30 years later, you’re grown up. someone may have a wonderful farm. would you please show your friends around your farm? make a dialogue in groups.

a model:

a (farmer): look! i have a farm! look! they’re pigs!/they’re cows! welcome to my farm, mr …!

b: oh, thank you! my good friend, mr/miss …

a: nice to see you!

b: nice to see you! what are these?

a: they’re … they’re lovely!

would you like a …?

b: yes, please. thank you! i like… what are those?

a: they’re …s. they’re sweet. would you like … ?

b: yes, please. it’s yummy!

a: do you like my farm?

b: yes. it’s great!

a: welcome to my farm next time!

b: thank you. bye-bye!

a: goodbye!

step 5. ticking time

ticking time

i can talk about things on a farm.

i can act things on a farm.

step 6. homework

1.read story time for 5 times.

2.make your performance better.

3.visit a farm if it’s possible.


unit 7 on the farm

--what are these/those?

--they’re …s.

--are these/those …s?

--yes./no,they’re …s.