
時(shí)間:2022-12-29 作者:dopmitopy 教學(xué)計(jì)劃




( warming up + speaking in using language + talking and speaking task in workbook +discovering useful words and expressions 4, “play a game in group of four”)

hour課時(shí):1 period

type 課型:speaking

teaching goals教學(xué)目標(biāo)

1. target language目標(biāo)語(yǔ)??

a. important words and expressions

misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish

b. important sentences and structures

act out the following meanings, please.

please show the actions, using body language.

please guess what i meant.

now it is your turn to show the action/gesture.

please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.

please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.

2. ability goals能力目標(biāo)

a. enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.

b. enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.

c. enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.

3. learning ability goals學(xué)能目標(biāo)

a. help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.

b. help the students understand others when body language is being used.

teaching important points教學(xué)重點(diǎn)

1. teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.

2. teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.

teaching difficult points教學(xué)難點(diǎn)

1. enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.

2. let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.

teaching methods教學(xué)方法

1. individual work, pair work and group work.

2. acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.

teaching aids教具準(zhǔn)備

a computer, a projector and some pictures.

teaching procedures & ways教學(xué)過(guò)程和方式

step1. lead-in

after greeting, the teacher gives some instructions by body language, ( eg. call the roll, ask a student to close the curtain, etc.)

t: just now, i didn’t say anything, but you understood what i wanted you to do. why?

s: we know it from your body language.

t: yes, body language plays a very important part in our daily life, so we should pay more attention to learning language.

step2. introduction

t: now let’s do some tpr( total physical response) activities together, i hope you will enjoy them and have as well.

touch your head/face/eyes/nose/mouth/ears/cheeks/forehead/shoulders/stomach/legs/ feet/toes…

shake your head/arm/hand…

wave your arm/hand…

open your eyes/mouth…

close your eyes/mouth…

twist your wrist/wais.

cross your arms/fingers.

nod your head. bow your head.

make a face to each other.


t: all right. now let’s do them a little bit difficult. let’s play a game together. those who fail to follow the rule of the game will be dropped out. the game is: “simon says”. for example, if i say “simon says, touch your head”, then you touch your head. if not, you shouldn’t touch your head but remain still.

(three or five minutes for the game.)

t: ok. it’s time to take up the lesson. please look at the screen. let’s take a look at the following gestures:

gesture action meaning

a half-closed hand with a thumb up.

good! well done!

a half-closed hand with a thumb



i will have to refuse you.

palm up and wave the fingers to

oneself continously

come here!

hold up the forefinger and the middle finger and across them

good luck!

point to oneself with doubting facial expression


shrug the shoulder with the

hands out

i don’t know.

t: what are actions of the above gestures? what do they mean?

ask the students to talk about it. try to inspired every student to speak.

t: you have all done a good job. so you see that there are many cases or situations in which body language can convey meanings as well as spoken or written languages. if you want to know more about it, let’s come to unit 4 body language.

step3. practice (warming up + talking)

t: here is a list. on the left side are feelings or ideas. you are asked to add three of your own. make notes on the right side of the chart and then act them out to see how you would make someone understand these feelings and ideas without speaking. do it with your partner first. and then some of you will be asked to the front of the classroom to act them out.

meaning action

1. you are welcome. a smile and a handshake.

2. i am worried. a frowned or upset look.

3. i ate too much. putting a hand on the stomach, patting or rubbing

4. i am sorry that i did something wrong. drooping or hanging the head.

5. i’m so happy. a loud laughter with a shinning face or smiling with arms open and head back.

6. you did a good job. a thumb up.

7. you are angry. turning your back to someone on purpose.

8. stop here.

putting the left palm on the forefinger of the right hand.

… …


the students can be allowed to act out the feelings or ideas without following the order in the chart so that it may be more challenging as well as more interesting.

step4. time for fun

(discovering useful words and expressions 4, “play a game in group of four”)

t: now let’s play a game in groups of four. one thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. when the one choose the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds. try to make the situations as interesting and enjoyable as you can. and show the situation as lively as possible. besides, make sure that everyone has a turn.


s1: what are you likely to do if it rains?

(actions) s2: puts on a raincoat;

s3: puts on a raincoat;

s4: cleans the house.

s1: ok. i think s3 seems the most likely, so it’s his turn.

s3: what are you likely to do if the river floods?

step5. talking (speaking in using language)

get the students work in pairs. the situation is that you are worried about lin pei, who is not friendly any more, and does not want to talk to you or her other friends. she seems to be sad. she stays alone. she is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her. she doesn’t seem to care about how she looks and behaves.

t: now class, work in pair. discuss lin pei’s behavior. think about the problems she might have. describe her “body language” or the behavior that shows how she feels. three minutes for you.

ask the students to describe or act out lin pei’s behavior.

step 6. role play (speaking task in workbook)

t: now, let’s come to speaking task on page67. we’re given two situations. for each situation, prepare a role-play with your partner. use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas. then explain to the class what the differences are in western and chinese languages, and what they mean.

work in pairs or in group of three:

1. you fall and hurt your foot while you are hiking on a lonely path. you need help, and see someone in the distance,.

2. you are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges. you only know a little english and want to know where you can get them and how much they cost.

step7. homework

1. team work: discuss the importance of body language.

2. go over the reading;

1) communication: no problem?

2) showing our feeling.


module3 unit2 language


1. in a broad sense從廣義上講

2. transmit information傳播信息

3. various forms of language語(yǔ)言的各種形式

4. stand for a beaming smile代表燦爛的微笑

5. all over the world/ throughout the world全世界

6. fly in circles 繞圈飛行

7. inform sb of/ about sth.通知某人某事

keep sb informed of sth使某人被通知

8. including sth/ sth included包括某事

9. share sth with sb與某人分享某物

10. make a special internet language構(gòu)成一種特殊的因特網(wǎng)語(yǔ)??

11. have some effective methods for studying the english language



1. throughout history貫穿歷史;throughout the world/ all over the world

2. be made up of/consist of由…組成

3. a language with some confusing rules 一種帶有令人迷惑規(guī)則的語(yǔ)??

4. bring sth with sb to sp將某物待在身邊帶到某地

5. at the end of the 9th century 在九世紀(jì)晚期

6. a language called celtic一種叫做凱爾特的語(yǔ)??

7. be different from與……不同

8. it’s certain that… …是確定的

9. the official language of england英國(guó)官方語(yǔ)

10. sb find it hard to do sth覺(jué)得做某事很難

11. this is because…/ that is why…表語(yǔ)從句句型

12. have similar meaning in …有類似的意思

13. contribute to / result in/ lead to/cause the development of……導(dǎo)致……的發(fā)展

14. sb take control of控制

15. sb lose control of失去控制

16. be replaced by/ with;設(shè)備sb take the place of sb 被…代替

17. despite the fact/ in spite of the fact盡管事實(shí)如此

18. have an impact on(the english language)對(duì)…巨大沖擊

19. at this point在此期間

20. raise animals 飼養(yǎng)動(dòng)物

21. the upper/lower class上(下)層階級(jí)

22. common people普通人(地位相對(duì)低的)

23. by the latter half of the 24th century到24世紀(jì)下半葉

24. be adopted by被…采用

25. one’s mother tongue/ one’s native language母語(yǔ)

26. undergo huge changes(underwent, undergone)經(jīng)歷巨大變化/ undergo treatment接受治療

27. continue doing/ continue to do sth繼續(xù)做某事

28. a sequence of events一系列事件

29. relate… to…與…相關(guān)

30. official occasions官方正式場(chǎng)合

31. modern english/life/science and technology現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)/生活/科??

32. make a promise; keep /break one’s promise做許諾;遵守諾言/食??

33. promise to do sth許諾做某事

34. a promising boy一個(gè)有前途的男孩

35. disagree with what =everything that =all that sb say

1.the english language is made up of/consists of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to britain with them.


2.they brought with them their languages, which also mixed with anglo-saxon.


3.the language they created is what we now call old english.


4.middle english is the name given to the english used from around the 12th to the 16th century.中古英語(yǔ)這個(gè)名詞是指大約12世紀(jì)至16世紀(jì)期間所使用的英語(yǔ)

5.however, the norman conquest did not have the same result that the germanic invasion had had about 600 years earlier.


6.the question of english will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.


7.where a person comes from will affect their style of speech.


8.there are many different dialects of english depending on where people live.


9. we sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use


10.this is where i disagree.

this is what i disagree to.這就是我不贊同的地方。

word power & grammar & task

1. spoken english/written english口語(yǔ)、書面語(yǔ)

2. a large amount of / a great deal of+不可數(shù)n

3. a large number of/ a great(good) many+可數(shù)n復(fù)

4. a large quantity of/plenty of+可數(shù)/不可數(shù)n

5. sort out=arrange安排

6. discard=throw away丟棄

7. i regret to inform you我遺憾地通知你

8. in addition=plus除此之外

9. have a word with=speak to與某人談話

10. have words with sb與某人吵架

11. take sth into consideration考慮某事

12. five permanent members of the un security council五個(gè)聯(lián)合國(guó)安理會(huì)常任理事國(guó)

13. take action/measures to do sth采取行動(dòng)做某事

14. set high standards for設(shè)一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

15. below standard在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以下

16. up to the required standard超過(guò)被要求的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

17. make a decision做決定

18. at one time曾經(jīng)(at times 有時(shí)候)

19. at a time一次

20. keep … pure使…純化

21. due to/because of/thanks to/ as a result of/owing to由于

22. ban sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

23. easily accessed television programs容易接受的電視節(jié)目have access to

24. get along/on with sb與某人相處

25. there is no need to do sth沒(méi)有必要做某事

26. waste time doing sth浪費(fèi)時(shí)間做某事

27. it’s a waste of time to do/doing sth

28. shorten the distance縮短距離

29. embarrass sb into doing sth做某事使某人尷尬

30. refuse to accept an idea拒絕接受一個(gè)主意

31. from across the world從全世界

32. adopt one’s suggestion/a new teaching method



1. a differ greatly from b in size and shape

a與b 在尺寸及形狀方面大大不同

2. the very first chinese characters真正第一批簡(jiǎn)體中文

3. change over time隨著時(shí)間改變

4. as a whole作為整體

5. on the whole(常用于句首)

6. combine two or more elements together把兩種及更多種元素結(jié)合起來(lái)

7. the symbol for a man代表人類

8. be the opposite of sth是…的相反

9. opposite our school are two shops.(倒裝句)

10. opposite our school is a shop.

11. be highly complex非常復(fù)雜

12. reflect one’s thought反應(yīng)某人的思想

13. simplified chinese characters簡(jiǎn)體中文

14. be widely used in mainland china在中國(guó)大陸廣泛使用

15. the way a written language developed can tell us just as much about a culture as the history of a spoken language.書面語(yǔ)發(fā)展方式表示出來(lái)的文化就像口語(yǔ)的歷史表示出來(lái)的文化一樣。

16. the chinese language differs from many western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.


17. not all characters are used to describe objects.=

all characters are not used to describe objects.=并非所有漢字都用來(lái)描述事物的。


unit 1


文化的 幸免于 保持,仍是 稀罕的 禮物 加熱

設(shè)計(jì) 奇特的 珠寶 國(guó)王 點(diǎn)火 鏡子 奇跡

移動(dòng) 家具 秘密地 木制的 懷疑,疑惑 審判

考慮 意見(jiàn),看法 根據(jù),證據(jù) 證明 假裝 珠寶



look into belong to in search of in return at war take apart

think highly of get lost do with be used to do as…as… in fact

part of serve as add…to… be ready for care about rather than

the answer to question even though agree with


1. he could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the russian people would have such a strange history.

2. although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

3. the design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

4. it took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it.

5. she had the amber room moved to the palace outside st petersburg where she spent her summers.

6. in 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.

7. this was a time when the two countries were at war.

8. there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg.

unit 2


誠(chéng)實(shí)的 古代的 比賽vi 獎(jiǎng)?wù)?主辦 魔力的

采訪 運(yùn)動(dòng)員 承認(rèn) 奴隸 取代 身體的

有關(guān),涉及 做廣告 愚蠢的 允諾 金色的


take part in a set of as well as one after another used to do

every four years be admitted as be admitted to compete against/for

join in reach the standard not only…but also… as a matter fact

be allowed to do so…that marry sb be married to hear of

change one’s mind ask for help pick up play a very important role


1. i lived in what you call “ancient greece”.

2. the winter olympics are usually held two years before the summer olympics.

3. that’s why they are called the winter olympics.

4. it must be expensive.

unit 3


計(jì)算 共同的 簡(jiǎn)單的 技術(shù) 革命 通用的

智力 無(wú)論如何 完全地 網(wǎng)絡(luò) 真實(shí)地 出生

優(yōu)點(diǎn) 打字 不同意 選擇 材料 親自地 創(chuàng)造

步驟 出現(xiàn) 頭腦 漫步


in common in one’s opinion go by deal with human race

in a way make up after all with the help of watch over

sound simple share sth. with sb. at the same time since then

billions of communicate with by the internet in the 1960s look like

in computer language second place in this way


1. as the years have gone by, i have been made smaller and smaller.

2. there were times when my size was totally changed.

3. my memory became so large that i couldn’t believe it.

★ unit 15 the necklace(新課標(biāo)版高一英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì))

★ 大班英語(yǔ)優(yōu)質(zhì)課教案《teaching plan》

★ unit 14 warming up period 1(新課標(biāo)版高一英語(yǔ)教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì))

★ 北師大模塊3 unit 8 adventure 詞組(北師大版高一英語(yǔ)必修三教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì))

★ 《鴻門宴》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì) (魯人版高一必修二)

★ 八年級(jí)教案teaching plan l1 b2

★ 高一英語(yǔ)必修1知識(shí)點(diǎn)梳理

★ unit 6 do you like bananas?教案(新課標(biāo)版高一英語(yǔ)教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì))

★ 《窗》(粵教版高一必修) 教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

★ 九年級(jí)unit 6 教案教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)(新目標(biāo)版英語(yǔ)九年級(jí))




1. 詞匯: advertise, share, persuasive,product, service, promote, place, intended, educate, welfare, complete(ly), lie, claim, aware, toothpaste, breath, cure, customer, connect, trick, creative, public, lead, nationwide, campaign, drug, deal, social, commit, smart, satisfied, publisher, unique, senior, choice, recommend, purchase, copy, sweet, sales, bar, packaging, update, design, unforgettable, fashionable, convenient, continuously, functional, filling, available, various, particular, goal, target, media, mailing, determine, appeal, react, gather, approach

2. 詞組、短語(yǔ):be used to,be satisfied with, encourage sb. to do sth., post sth. on the school website, learn about, do some research on, have information to do sth., share sth. with sb. pay for, do sth. for free, be intended to do sth., educate sb about sth., tell sb. the truth, protect sb. from, be aware of, even if, be proud of, feel good about, connect sth. to, play trick on sb., serve the public, be meant to do sth., lead(live) a …life, deal with,believe in sth., publics service projects, project hope, school every child, be smart about, be supposed to do sth., persuasive language, exciting images, be popular with, market share, sales targets, market leader, be of high quality, sales figures, for the benefit of, have a goal, get sb. to do sth., create the right message, care about, be concerned with, affect one’s life, get the message across, depend on, come up with,

3. 語(yǔ)法、結(jié)構(gòu):direct speech and reported speech 直接引語(yǔ)和間接引語(yǔ)

4. 技能指導(dǎo) :

1) read expository writing

2) write an advertisement and develop an advertising campaign


welcome to the unit

i. read the following and tell what they are for:

1. home-care helper for disabled woman in her downtown home, provide personal care and recreation, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week.

824-3174 between 4 and 7 p.m.

2. large bedroom in shared house, close to downtown and university, off-street parking, on bus route, park with tennis courts across the street.

824-2723 or 823-0236.

3. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


pasta dinners


tel: 422307

4. tent--£35

nylon, blue and green; lm high, 120cm wide,

190cm deep (for two people)

portable cd player--e60

with radio, stereo headphones, case. no batteries.

16cm x 13cm x 6cm. weighs 2kg

5. save 25%




ii. we have two basic types of advertisements. one is a commercial advertisement (cas商業(yè)廣告), and the other is public service advertisement (psas公益服務(wù)廣告) . read and enjoy the following advertisements and decide which are psas and which are cas.

1) make it possible with canon. 佳能數(shù)碼相機(jī)廣告

2) the daily modern 日產(chǎn)(尼桑)汽車廣告

3) planned parenthood

children by choice, not by chance

4) there’s no better way to fly. 德國(guó)漢莎航空

5) the power of dreams 本田汽車廣告

6) make poverty history

7) like no other 索尼產(chǎn)品廣告

8) take toshiba, take the world.

9) one by one they step forward: a nurse, a teacher, a homemaker. and lives are saved.

10) we can beat extreme poverty, starvation, aids. but we need your help

11) the choice of a new generation. 新一代的選擇。--百事可樂(lè)

12) ask for more 渴望無(wú)限--百事流行鞋

13) impossible made possible 使不可能為可能--佳能打印機(jī)

14) we're not asking for your money; we're asking for your voice.

cas:______________ ________________ ________________

______________ ________________ ________________

______________ ________________ ________________

psas: ______________ ________________ ________________

______________ ________________ ________________

______________ ________________ ________________

reading & discussion

read the passage of reading and decide the main ideas for each paragraph after discussion.

para1 __________________________________________________________

para2 __________________________________________________________

para3 __________________________________________________________

para4 __________________________________________________________

activities and discussion

i. learn to design some questions,express your opinion and state the views.

q1: _________________________________________________________________

q2: ________________________________________________________________

q3: ________________________________________________________________

q4: ________________________________________________________________

ii. try to join your main ideas together with some other sentences to form a summary of your reading.













words and expressions



1. share n. 一份(報(bào)酬、責(zé)任、權(quán)利等),股份,

if you want a share of the pay, you’ll have to do your share of the work.


she owns 5000 shares in the company. 她擁有公司的五千股份。

children should have a share in deciding which subjects they study.


vt. to join with other people in owning, using , or doing something 分享,共有,分擔(dān)

everyone in the house shares the same bathroom.


he’s sure we’ll win the match, but i don’t share his faith in the team.


also 又作share out , to divide and give out in shares 分配,均分

his property was shared between his children.


2. be used to,

有用句型:be(get) used to sth; be used to doing sth 習(xí)慣于 (某事)的;

she gets used to english food.


i’m not used to getting up so early.


[相關(guān)鏈接]:be used to do sth

used to do sth

would do sth

a computer can be used to do all its accounts.


i don’t play tennis much these days, but i used to.


we used to work in the same office and we would often have coffee together.


注意:used to do sth 表示過(guò)去經(jīng)常、總是或有規(guī)律地發(fā)生的事,但現(xiàn)在不一定還那么做。 usedn’t to 否定縮略形式,used to 也常常被看作情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。

3. advertise,vt.做廣告:為…做公開啟事,尤指贊揚(yáng)(某一產(chǎn)品或企業(yè))的質(zhì)量或優(yōu)勢(shì)以促??

1). to make known; call attention to: 引起注意:使變得著名;引起對(duì)…的注意:

i advertised my intention to resign.


2). to warn or notify: 告誡,告知:

this event advertises me that there is such a fact as death.



1). to call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做廣告:引起公眾對(duì)產(chǎn)品或企業(yè)的注意

we advertised through the newspaper for the products of our factory.


2). to inquire or seek in a public notice, as in a newspaper: 登廣告:在公告,如報(bào)紙上詢問(wèn)或?qū)ふ遥?/p>

he advertised for an apartment when he just arrived in this city.


4. recommend, vt.(及物動(dòng)詞)

1). to praise or commend (one) to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse: 推薦:向另外一個(gè)人稱贊或推薦(某人或物),認(rèn)為其有價(jià)值或合人心意;擔(dān)保:

they recommended him for the job.


he recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon.


2). to make (the possessor, as of an attribute) attractive or acceptable: 使受歡迎:使(其擁有者,如其品質(zhì)之擁有者)具有吸收力或使之可?。?/p>

honesty recommends any person.


your plan has very little to recommend it.


3). to commit to the charge of another; entrust. 托付:將……交給另一個(gè)人掌管;信托

she recommend a child to her friend when was away.


4). to advise or counsel: 勸告:建議或忠告:

she recommended that we avoid giving offense.



1). to give advice or counsel: 建議:給以勸告或忠告:

he recommended against signing an international agreement


5. determine, vt.(及物動(dòng)詞)

1). to decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.


he determined to go.


i am determined to do better than mike.


he determined to go [that he (should) go] at once.


2). to cause (someone) to come to a conclusion or resolution.


he has not determined what he will study.


his advice determined me to drink and smoke no more.


3). to be the cause of; regulate:


demand determines production.


4). to give direction to:


the management committee determines departmental policy.



1). to reach a decision; resolve.解決,決定:作出決定;

they determined on an early start.


i have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.


6. appeal, vi.

1). 呼吁;懇求

the government is appealing to everyone to save water.


the victims' families of the murder have appealed to the supreme court to have a definitive answer.


2). (常與to連用)吸引;引起興趣

she appeals to me.


bright colours appeal to small children.


does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?


3). n. 呼吁;懇求

an appeal for forgiveness


the teacher listened to his appeal.


4). (常與to連用)上訴;訴諸于

appeal a decision to a higher court


he appealed against the judge's decision.


7. approach vt., vi.

1). 走近;靠近

we approached the museum.


2). (首次)接洽

did he approach you about a loan?


3). 開始考慮;開始著手

he approached the idea with caution.


he approached the new job with enthusiasm.


4). 接近,近似

the population of our city is approaching 5 million


it is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.


the time is approaching when we must be on board.



at the approach of


be approaching (to)

與...差不多, 大致相等

be difficult of approach

(指地方)難到達(dá)的; (指人)難于接近的

be easy of approach

(指地方)容易到達(dá)的, 交通方便的; (指人)容易接近的

make an approach to


make approaches to sb.

設(shè)法接近某人, 想博得某人的好感

approach sb. on sth.


approach sb. about sth.


approach to

接近, 近似, 約等于; (做某事)的方法[途徑]

8. satisfy vt. 使幸福; 使愉快; 使?jié)M足,使?jié)M意

this work does not satisfy me.


“i wasn't satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so i shall complain to the proprietor.”


(常與of, that連用)使確信;使消除疑慮

i am satisfied that he is guilty.


i satisfied my employer that i had finished.


adj. satisfied; 感到滿意的 satisfying令人滿足的, 令人滿意的

the story had a satisfying ending. 那個(gè)故事的結(jié)局令人滿意。

9. intend vt. 想要, 打算; 企圖 ;設(shè)計(jì); 計(jì)劃; 意指, 意思是

he intends his child for a doctor 他打算讓孩子以后行醫(yī)

he intends no harm. 他沒(méi)有惡意。

i intend to go home. 我想回家。

the book is intended for beginners. 本書是為初學(xué)者編寫的。

what do you intend by that remark? 你說(shuō)這話是什么意思?

is that what you intended? 這是你的原意嗎?

i intend it as a stop -gap. 我想拿它湊數(shù)。

[相關(guān)鏈接] intend 系正式用語(yǔ), 指“心里已有做某事的目標(biāo)或計(jì)劃”, 含有“行動(dòng)堅(jiān)決”之意, 如:

i intended to write to you.


mean 可與 intend互換, 但強(qiáng)調(diào)“做事的意圖”, 較口語(yǔ)化, 如:

i mean to go to bed earlier tonight.

今晚 我想早些睡覺(jué)。

propose指“公開明確地提出自已的目的或計(jì)劃”, 如:

i proposed to speak for an hour.



be intended to (do) 意思是使; 是用來(lái)

be intended to be 規(guī)定為, 確定為

it is intended that 企圖, 意圖是

intend for 打算供...使用; 打算送給;打算使...成為; 想讓...從事某事

10. protect vt. 保護(hù); 保衛(wèi); 準(zhǔn)備支付(匯票)

protect home industries 保護(hù)國(guó)內(nèi)工業(yè)

protect sb. from danger 保護(hù)某人免遭危險(xiǎn)

a line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.

在邊界沿線構(gòu)筑了堡壘, 以防國(guó)家受到攻擊。

he raised his arm to protect his face.


he is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.


11. aware adj. [用作表語(yǔ)]知道的; 意識(shí)到的

he wasn’t aware of the danger. 他沒(méi)意識(shí)到有危險(xiǎn)。

i didn’t become aware of his arrival. 我沒(méi)注意到他的到來(lái)。

注意:后接從句時(shí)of 要省略。

are you aware that you have hurt her feelings?


i became aware how she might feel.


[相關(guān)鏈接] aware; conscious; sensible 都含有“意識(shí)到的”意思。

aware 側(cè)重“感官所意識(shí)到的外界事物”, 如:

everybody is aware of the importance of the four modernizations.


conscious 側(cè)重“心理感知”, 如:

he is conscious of a sense of quilt. 他感到內(nèi)疚。

sensible 指“可用感官察覺(jué)到的(較復(fù)雜或抽象的事物的)”, 如:

i was sensible of her solemn grief. 我知道她很悲哀。

unaware 不知道的,沒(méi)察覺(jué)到的 unconscious不省人事的,未發(fā)覺(jué)的,無(wú)意識(shí)的

12. trick n. 詭計(jì), 欺騙, 騙術(shù), 奸計(jì); 謀略; 惡作劇; 卑鄙的手段; 輕率愚蠢行為; 習(xí)慣怪癖; (貶意)秘訣, 竅門; 手腕, 手法; 技藝, 巧技; 戲法, 幻術(shù); [口語(yǔ)]逗人的孩子; 俏姑娘

he exposed all the tricks of the enemy 他揭露了敵人的一切陰謀詭計(jì)。

a double -dealing trick 兩面派手法

tom can see through the magician's tricks.



i can do magic tricks.


he has learned the tricks of the trade


he got the money from me by a trick.


the children played a trick on their teacher.


tom has the trick of frowning.


a mere trick of the light


a night trick


a pretty little trick


13. deal with,vt. (dealt [delt]) 分配, 分派(out); 分, 分給, 授給, 發(fā)(紙牌)

給以(打擊); [常用于被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)]對(duì)待, 對(duì)付

deal sb. hard blows 狠狠打擊某人

deal the cards 分牌

you have been well /badly dealt by him. 你受到了他的優(yōu)/虐待。

vi. 交易; 經(jīng)營(yíng)(in) 應(yīng)付, 處理, 考慮, 安排(with),與...有關(guān); 論述, 涉及(with)

從事, 參與; 生產(chǎn); 使用,交際, 打交道, (和...)來(lái)往,對(duì)待, 處分, 懲處,分發(fā)(尤指分紙牌)

deal in tea 經(jīng)營(yíng)茶葉

deal with the cards 發(fā)牌

he is easy to deal with.


the committee will deal with this complaint.


the book deals with this problem.


the teacher deals fairly with his pupils.


how would you deal with an armed burglar?


14. believe in 信仰;信任; 相信; 認(rèn)為(某事物)有價(jià)值

to believe in god 信仰上帝

i don't believe in the story.


we believe in him.


do you believe in ghosts?


some people believe in everlasting life after death.


he believed in telling the truth.


he believed in homeopathy


i don't believe in letting children do whatever they like.


15. be supposed to do sth.,

i suppose you are right.


let's suppose (that) the news is true.


suppose your father saw you now, what would you say?

假設(shè)你父親現(xiàn)在看到了你, 你該怎么說(shuō)?

creation supposes a creator.


i should suppose him to be about twenty.


suppose we go for a walk.


be supposed to (do)

被期望或要求; 應(yīng)該; (用于否定句中)不被許可; 據(jù)說(shuō)

16. be of high quality,

be of +抽象名詞=be+該名的形容詞形式

be of great (much) value/ importance/ use/ help/ interest = be very valuable /important/ useful/helpful/ interesting

the dictionary is of great help to my translation but that one is of no use.


the reference book is of great importance to my writing.



be of +the same/different size/height/age/colour/weight/type /class etc.

we are of the same class.


the coins are of different sizes, shape sand metals.


以上這兩種of 結(jié)構(gòu)還可以用作賓補(bǔ)和名詞的后置定語(yǔ)。

do you think the book of any interest to middle school students? (賓補(bǔ))

old factory buildings have many halls and workshops of different sizes. (定語(yǔ))

17. benefit n. 利益, 好處; 恩惠; 退休金; 津貼; 救濟(jì)金; 保險(xiǎn)撫恤金 義演; 義賽

a public benefit 公益

be of benefit to the people 對(duì)人民有好處

disability benefits 殘廢撫恤金

a benefit match 義賽

this dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 這部字典將對(duì)我有很大裨益。n.

vt. 有益于

exercise benefits our health. 運(yùn)動(dòng)有益于我們的健康。

vi. 受益

we benefit by [from] daily exercises. 每天做操對(duì)我們有益。


for the benefit of 為了...的好處

give sb. the benefit of one's experience 用自己的經(jīng)驗(yàn)[知識(shí)]幫助某人

in benefit 有資格得到救濟(jì)金(指生病、失業(yè)等津貼)

out of benefit 沒(méi)有資格得到救濟(jì)金

sick benefit 疾病津貼

18. concerned n. 所關(guān)切的事; 涉及(某人)利害關(guān)系; 焦慮;商行, 公司; 企業(yè); 康采恩, 財(cái)團(tuán); 股份; 小玩意兒, 小東西

have concern about the matter


express /show deep concern for sb.


have concern over a friend's misfortune


a going concern

開著的商店; 發(fā)展中的事業(yè)

joint stock concern


paying concern


a petty concern


what concern is it of yours?


there is some cause for concern but no need for alarm.

是有點(diǎn)令人憂慮, 但不必驚慌。

she has a concern in that company.


her ring is an odd little concern fitted with blinking diamonds.



as concerns 關(guān)于

as far as... be concerned 關(guān)于; 至于; 就...而??

be concerned about 關(guān)心

be concerned over (at) sth. 為某事憂慮

be concerned in sth. 和某事有牽連

be concerned with 牽涉到, 與...有關(guān), 參與

everyday concerns 日常事務(wù)

feel concern about 憂慮, 掛念

give oneself no concern (about) 不關(guān)切, 對(duì)...冷淡

have a concern in 和...有利害關(guān)系

have no concern for 毫不關(guān)心

have no concern with 和...毫無(wú)關(guān)系

it is no concern of mine (yours) 這不關(guān)我[你]的事

of much concern 很重要, 很有關(guān)系

of no concern 無(wú)關(guān)緊要, 沒(méi)有意義

with concern 關(guān)切地

concern oneself about sth.忙于; 從事; 關(guān)心, 關(guān)切

concern oneself in sth. 忙于; 從事; 關(guān)心, 關(guān)切

concern oneself with sth. 忙于; 從事; 關(guān)心, 關(guān)切

19. depend vi. [通常與 on, upon 連用] 依靠, 依賴; 相信, 信賴; 取決于, 由...而定


that depends.


it all depends.


you may depend upon it.

[口]肯定無(wú)疑; 放心好了。

depend on

依靠; 由...而定, 取決于; 從屬于; 依賴其維持

depend upon

依靠; 由...而定, 取決于; 從屬于; 依賴其維持

depend upon it

[口]肯定無(wú)疑,保管沒(méi)錯(cuò), 我敢說(shuō)(用于句首或句末, 不必加主語(yǔ))

20. come up with, 找出, 想出(答案,計(jì)劃等)

you’ve come up with a good idea.


they might come up with a plan.


he couldn't come up with an answer.


he couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.



direct speech (direct narration) 直接敘述的話語(yǔ),即直接引語(yǔ)。the style used in writing to report what someone said by repeating their actual words.

reported speech (indirect speech) 轉(zhuǎn)告引述的話語(yǔ),即間接引語(yǔ)。the style used in writing to report what someone said without repeating their actual words.


1. 引述一般疑問(wèn)句或附加疑問(wèn)句時(shí),通常用whether或if引導(dǎo),而引述選擇疑問(wèn)句時(shí),一般只能用whether引導(dǎo)。

e.g.: “does he really mean it?”

---- i wondered whether/if he really meant it.

“they live in groups, don’t they?”

---- he asked whether/if they lived in groups.

“is this book yours or his?”

---- she asked me whether this book was mine or his.

2. 引述特殊疑問(wèn)句時(shí),用原句中的wh-詞引導(dǎo)。

e.g.: “why didn’t you stop her?”

---- he asked why i hadn’t stopped her.

3. 引述陳述句時(shí),用連詞that引導(dǎo)(that在口語(yǔ)中常被省略)。

e.g.: he said, “i like it very much.”

---- he said that he liked it very much.

“i’ve left my book in your room.”

---- he told me that he had left his book in my room.

3. 引述祈使句時(shí),要將祈使句的動(dòng)詞原形變成帶to 的不定式,并在不定式的前面根據(jù)句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等動(dòng)詞,如果祈使句為否定句,在不定式的前面加上not。

she said to us, “please sit down.”

---- she as



in this unit you will…

read a museum guide, a magazine article and an extract from a short story.

listen to descriptions of buildings and paintings and a song.

talk about paintings, paper art and buildings.

write notes and a description of a house.

learn how to use prepositions and relative clauses.


1 do you know these paintings and their painters? do you know any other works by these painters?(introduce these painters and their paintings.)

2 match some of the key words with the paintings.

example a: modern, war, dark colours

key words

style: realistic, abstract, pop, modern

subject: scenery, people, war colours: light/dark, bright, soft

shapes: round, square, clear lines: straight/wavy, hard

3 listen and identify the paintings.

tape script

(1) well, i really like this picture-it’s easy to see what’s happening.

like the bright colours-of the girl’s blue dress and her blonde hair.

i also like the round shapes in the picture. i think the topic is interesting too-the girl looks worried and she’s thinking about her boyfriend.

(2) personally, i think this one is good. it’s got very strong lines and you can almost feel the music. and the colours-they’re great-they’re really bright. i like abstract paintings because you have to use your own imagination to understand what the painter is trying to do. i think…

(3) this one’s my favourite. it shows the horrors of war really well with the dark, dark colours and the terrible images. the lines and shapes are square and geometrical. they show violence and pain. look at the house and the mother with her dead child. it’s a very frightening painting because…

(4) well, i think this one’s the best. i really like the bright colours and the clear lines. i love the colour of the water in the swimming pool. the style’s strange-it’s realistic, but very simple at the same time.

4 work in pairs. talk about the paintings. which of them do you like most?


a: i think c is nice. i like the bright colours and clear lines.

b: yes, it’s ok. but i prefer…

show some chinese painters and their paintings.

writing: describe a painter you like most and introduce his paintings.

key points

abstract research

straight hair / a straight line / put the room straight ( in order ) / walk straight

an international ballistic missile 洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈

1. pain n. 疼痛;痛苦;悲痛 hurt in the body or mind

his broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的斷腿使他非常疼痛。

she suffers greatly from a pain in the back. 她背痛很厲害。

bad teeth often cause pain. 壞牙常引起疼痛。

he has a pain in the head. 他頭痛。

he gave his mother much pain by acting in such a foolish way. 他干這樣的蠢事使他的母親很痛苦。

n. 辛苦;勞苦 care; effort; trouble

he spares no pains. 他不辭勞苦。

he is at great pains to do his work well. 他竭盡全力把工作做好。

it takes pains to learn a foreign language well. 學(xué)好外語(yǔ)需要花大氣力。

no gains without pains. 不勞則無(wú)獲。

vt. 使痛苦;使疼痛 cause or give pain to; hurt

does your tooth pain you? 你的牙齒會(huì)痛嗎?

does your leg pain you much? 你的腿很疼嗎?

my head is still paining me. 我的頭還在疼。


review the new words. prepare for next lesson.

lesson 1 a matter of taste

teaching aims:

to read the text

to practise using prepositions of time, place and movement

to describe a simple scene

teaching difficulties:

to practise using prepositions of time, place and movement

to describe a simple scene

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: today we read an article named a matter of taste, guess what it is about?

t: the article is about art. show these pictures: cabbage, racing horse and poppy

who drew these pictures?

when students give their answers the teacher show the pictures of painters, qi beishi, xu beihong and chen yifei.

t: which one do you like best? why?

about these painters how much you know about them?

ii. reading: read the text, please

task 1

then answer the questions

1. who is famous for drawing pretty women?

2. who is more good at drawing simple pictures we often see in our life.

3. why did chen yifei use black as the background of poppy.

4. who held exhibitions abroad to advance chinese art?

5. what is xu beihong’s masterpiece?

task 2 talking

what characters do these pictures have?

racing horse: the moving hair on the horse’s mane and tail shows a horse running at high speed. using different shades of grey shows the sweat along the horse’s body. the painting of dark and light colors is a favorite of many art lovers.

poppy: to emphasis the woman even more, chen adds lots of detail to her dress and fan, and choose to paint the background black.

morning glory : leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.

iii. correct errors

1. chen yifei’s works is very valuable, and one of his paintings sold at us$ 503,000.

2. the end of the novel leaves readers guess and imagination.

3. her hand hold the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.

4. he traveled cross the country and painted many pictures.

5. it’s back eyes, that are fixed on the cabbage, show the creature’s interest in the cabbage.

6. the painting of dark and light color is favorite of many art lovers.

answers: 1. at 改為for 2.guess 改為guessing 3.hold 改為holding 4. cross 改為across 5.that 改為which 6. favorite前加 a

iv. language points

1. be fixed on用(眼睛等) 盯住,凝視;吸引(注意)

he was fixed on the moving snake, full of fear. 他盯著這條蠕動(dòng)的蛇, 充滿了恐懼。

tom fixed his attention on the picture that he was drawing.


2. leave “使/讓(某人/某物)處于某狀態(tài), 接現(xiàn)在分詞, 形容詞,過(guò)去分詞做賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)。

don’t leave her waiting outside in the rain. 別讓她在雨中等著。

leave the door open, please. 讓門開著吧。

little tom ran out of the door, leaving the homework undone.

小湯姆跑了出去, 留下了沒(méi)寫完的作業(yè)。

3. be deep / lost in thought陷入沉思

dick was staring out of the window, lost in thought. 迪克盯著窗外,陷入了沉思。

4. add … to增添, 添加

do you want to add your name to the list? 你想把自己的名字加到名單里嗎?

add up to 合計(jì),總共

his whole school education added up to no more than one year.


5. show /take interest in對(duì)…表現(xiàn)出興趣

david show interest in biology and want to do research in it in the future.


v. taste works

show the three painters’ works according to the character described in the text.

guess who drew it? xu beihong, qi baishi or chen yifei?

then show students more their works to improve art taste

vi. read to learn and vocabulary

do the exercise 2and 3

vii. grammar

do the exercise 4 and 5 to learn the use of prepositions of time, place and movement

do the exercise 6 to consolidate grammar

viii. language in use

2. shade n.[u] 蔭;陰涼處 a place where it is dark because the sun does not shine directly

we sat down to rest under the shade of a tree. 我們坐在樹蔭下休息。

it’s very hot today; let’s sit in the shade under the tree. 今天很熱,咱們坐在樹蔭下面吧。

there isn’t much shade here. 這兒陰涼地兒不多。

n.[c] 遮光物(罩);簾 thing that keeps strong light from your eyes

put down the window shade. 把窗簾拉下來(lái)。

n.[c] 色彩的濃淡 colour

i want the same colour in a lighter shade. 我要色調(diào)稍淺的相同顏色。

3. sweat n.[u] 汗 drops of water that come out of one's skin when one is afraid, etc.

he worked on until he was in a sweat. 他一直干到出一身汗。

vi. 出汗;冒汗 give out sweat

we sweat when it is very hot. 天氣熱時(shí)我們會(huì)出汗。

vi. 出水珠 form moisture in drops on the surface

the wall are sweating. 墻上滲出水氣。

vi. (俗)賣力工作;勤奮工作 (colloq) work hard

he is always sweating(away) at his job. 他總是很賣力地工作。

4. youth n. 青年;青年時(shí)期;少年時(shí)期 the time when you are young

in my youth i played football. 我在年輕的時(shí)候踢足球。

he was friend of my youth. 他是我年青時(shí)代的朋友。

n. 少年;青年;小伙子 boy or young man

as a youth he showed no promise of becoming a great pianist.


half a dozen youths were standing at the street corner. 六位青年正站在街角。

n. 青年們;青年男女 young men and women

the youth of today are very lively. 現(xiàn)在的青年充滿生氣。

the youth of our country 我國(guó)的青年們 youth clubs 青年俱樂(lè)部 youth league 青年團(tuán)

5. fix v. 使固定;安裝 put something in place so that it will not move

the geography teacher fixed the map on the blackboard. 地理老師把地圖釘在黑板上。

can this radio be fixed here? 這臺(tái)收音機(jī)可以安在這里嗎?

we sell at fixed prices. 我們按固定價(jià)格銷售。

the meeting was fixed for nine o’clock that evening. 會(huì)議定在當(dāng)晚九點(diǎn)舉行。

v. 修理 mend something

can you fix my broken sandal? 我涼鞋壞了,你能給修修嗎?

v. 確定,安排,定(計(jì)劃) arrange something, make a plan

let’s fix a time for the party. 咱們給聚會(huì)訂個(gè)時(shí)間吧。

come tonight and we'll fix things for you. 今天晚上來(lái),我們給你安排一下。

6. creature n. 生物,動(dòng)物 an animal

birds are creatures which fly. 鳥是會(huì)飛的動(dòng)物。

there was not a living creature to be seen anywhere. 無(wú)論在哪里都看不到一個(gè)動(dòng)物。

n. 人 a human being a cold-blooded creature

man, in a sense, is the creature of circumstances. 從某種意義上說(shuō),人是受環(huán)境支配的。

7. emphasise vt. 強(qiáng)調(diào),著重 speak firmly to show that what you are saying is important

he emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他強(qiáng)調(diào)了謹(jǐn)慎駕駛的重要性。

he emphasized that this must be finished in time. 他強(qiáng)調(diào)這事必須按時(shí)完成。

8. detail n.[c] 詳情;細(xì)節(jié) one of the small parts that make the whole

don’t omit a single detail. 一點(diǎn)細(xì)節(jié)也不要漏掉。

i like your plan, now tell me all the details. 我喜歡你的計(jì)劃,請(qǐng)把全部細(xì)節(jié)告訴我。

concrete detail 具體細(xì)節(jié) essential (chief) detail 主要細(xì)節(jié)

minor detail 小節(jié) a matter of detail 小事

9. cloth n.[u] (棉,尼龍,羊毛等)織物;布 material made from cotton, nylon, wool, etc.

this cloth wears well. 這布耐穿。

i have bought some cloth to make a pair of trousers. 我買了一些布做褲子。

here is a piece of cloth to clean the window with. 這里有一塊擦窗戶用的布。

n.[c] 作某種特殊用途的一塊布 piece of this material made by weaving (cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc.)

a coarse cloth 粗布 composition cloth 合成纖維布 cotton cloth 棉布

10. fold vt. 折疊 to bend something back on itself

i folded the letter and then pit it into the envelope. 我把信折好后放進(jìn)信封。

she folded the newspaper into four. 她把報(bào)紙折成了四折。

fold down the corner of a page 將書頁(yè)摺角

11. shallow adj. 淺;水少的 not deep; with not much water

the river is shallow here; we can walk across. 這里河水很淺,我們可以趟過(guò)去。

these are shallow water holes. 這是一些淺水坑。

as a shallow man, he can’t give you any good advice.他是個(gè)知識(shí)淺薄的人,不可能給你什么好的忠告。

a shallow argument 淺薄的議論

lesson 2 great buildings

teaching aims:

to give opinions about buildings

to listen and make notes

to listen and identify stressed words that give new information

to practise describing places

teaching difficulties:

to listen and identify stressed words that give new information

to practise describing places

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: today we have a lesson about great buildings. what do you think we call great buildings?

t: the teacher show some pictures of great buildings: such as taj mahal, india, pyramid, the great wall, notre dame de paris, eiffel tower and london bridge

can you say out these buildings’ names?

t: these famous buildings have become symbols of these countries.

when we describe a building we often mention its period, materials, features and kinds of building. now we will listen to a radio program about buildings you pay attention to these aspects.

ii. listening

task 1 do the exercise 3

in order to help students to understand the listening materials better, before listening to the cassette the teacher show these words.

medieval 中世紀(jì)的 marble 陽(yáng)臺(tái)

balcony 天使 ornament 大理石

angel 裝飾物 loch 瓷磚

tile 湖灣

match the buildings in the photos with the names.

show the pictures of these buildings

which of the buildings do you like best? why?

do you want to know more about these buildings? now listen to the cassette

do the exercsie3.

it is more likely that students can’t get right information after listening the materials twice. so if necessary listen once again to complete the table.

task 2 do the exercise 4

listen to someone describing her favorite building. which of the building in the photos does she choose?

eilean donan castle

she likes it because it is mysterious, like something from a fairytale. when you get inside it’s sort of strange and ghostly.

after giving students answers listen to the cassette again to check answers.

task 3 do the exercise 5

first give student enough time to read the function file and students listen to the description again and complete it.

the teacher guide students to know what expressions we should use when we don’t know the exact word by the exercise.

task 4 do the exercise 6

study the listening strategies with the class,

remind students of the use of stress to mark important words in a sentence. ask them to listen for the stressed words which give some new information for the person listening.

play the cassette, pausing after each sentence to give students time to write down the stressed words.

ask the question: how many words do you write down?

ask students to give answers then the teacher gives the right answers.

listen to these sentences again. what are they?

the teacher gives the listening materials so that students understand what they didn’t catch.

iii. writing and speaking

do the exercise 7 to practise describing places

choose a building you like (or hate) in your area. make notes about it.

do the exercise 8

work in groups. describe your school buildings to your classmates, but don’t say its name. see if they can guess which building it is. use expressions from the function file.

the purpose is that the exercise can make the class lively, at the same time practise oral english.

key points:

12. feature n. [~s]相貌,面貌,容貌,五官

a man of fine features 美貌的男子,美男子

n. 顯著的特征,特色; 要點(diǎn)[of]

a significant feature of our time 現(xiàn)代的重要特色

the geographical features of a district 某地區(qū)的地理特征

13. statue

a statue of nelson

14. ruin n. 毀滅;毀壞 destruction; extreme damage

the ruin of the house was caused by a violent tornado. 一陣猛烈的旋風(fēng)把房屋卷倒了。

n. 毀滅,失敗等的原因 anything that causes destruction, defeat, etc.

drinking was his ruin. 飲酒是他的禍根。

come to the brink of ruin 走近毀滅的邊緣

v. 使毀壞;使毀滅 to destroy; to damage; to spoil

the storm ruined the crops. 暴風(fēng)雨毀掉了莊稼。

ruin one’s health 損害自己的健康

ruin one’s life 毀滅自己的生命 ruin one’s reputation 玷污自己的名譽(yù)

lesson 3 chinese paper art

teaching aims:

to practise scanning the text to extract specific information

to practise using relative clauses.

to practise giving definitions of words with the help of relative pronouns

teaching difficulties:

to practise using relative clauses.

teaching aids: computer and cassette

teaching procedures:

i. warming up

t: look at the pictures on this page. what style do these pictures belong to?

s: chinese paper cut

t: which paper cut do you like most?

t: today we will read an article about paper cut. have you ever tried paper-cutting? on what occasions would you use paper cuts?

t: nowadays, paper cuts are chiefly used as decoration. they ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes and are given as presents themselves.

now let’s look at some paper cuts and describe them.

picture 1. this paper cut is of a boy holding a big fish.

picture 2 the two women who are dressed in red are dancing.

picture 3. the monkey who is eating a big peach is really lovely.

picture4 the paper cut of red phoenix is fit for wedding party.

picture 5 these farmers are busy sowing in their fields.

ii. reading

how much do you know about paper cut? do you know the answers to these questions?

present the questions in exercise 4, and give students time to read these questions.

read the article and you will the knowledge of paper cuts

iii. voice your opinion

what meaning can you get from these paper cuts?

paper cuts with a long history is a special art form of china, and it plays an important part in people’s everyday life.

iv. knowledge structure

true or false

1. the writer want to learn the skill of paper cuts.

2. paper cut has something to do with clothing design.

3. relations often use paper cuts to do something for the dead on special days.

4. the earliest paper cut dates back to the southern song dynasty .

5. the text refers to us that paper cuts was once a necessary skill of a young woman.

6. paper cuts are early found in tombs in the northern and southern dynasty.

7. the text introduce the history and uses of chinese paper cuts.

answers: 1.f 2.t 3.t 4.f 5.t 6.t 7.t

correct mistakes

1. chinese paper cuts has long history.

2. paper cuts are usually put on gates and windows for good luck.

3. paper cuts are used for religious purposes are often found in temples.

4. these paper cuts are prepared for dead.

5. before marrying with her , the farmer want to see her paper cuts.

answers: 1. has后加 a 2.on改為up 3. 去掉are 4. dead前面加 the 5. 去掉with

language points

1. marry vt.

marry somebody娶某人,嫁給某人

he promises if he marries her, he will make her happy.他許諾如果他娶了她,會(huì)讓她幸福。

be married to somebody與某人結(jié)婚一段時(shí)間

she has been married to her husband for ten years. 她已經(jīng)和丈夫結(jié)婚十年了。

2. put up張貼,搭起(帳篷等)

put on 穿上, 上演,演出

put off推遲

paper cuts are usually put up during festivals. 剪紙通常在節(jié)日期間粘貼。

tom put on his coat and went out. 湯姆穿上衣服出去了。

we are putting the play on again next week, owing to its success.

由于演出的成功, 我們下星期再次上演這出戲。

because of the bad weather, we have to put off the sports meeting next week.

由于天氣不好, 我們不得不把運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)推遲到下星期。

v. grammar

do the exercise 6,7, 8 and 9

by doing these exercise students will have a brief understanding of relative clauses

do the exercise 11and 12

key points:

15. purpose n. 目的;計(jì)劃;意圖 plan; intention; what you are going to do

“what was the purpose of your journey to london?” “i wanted to see buckingham palace.”


he went to the library with the purpose of finding a book about guns.


for the purpose of

on purpose

16. relate to vt. 說(shuō);敘述 tell, give an account of

he related his adventure. 他講了他的奇遇。

he related the story to us at length. 他把這個(gè)故事詳細(xì)地講給我們聽(tīng)了。

he related just how the accident had occurred. 他描述了這次事故是怎樣發(fā)生的。

we threshed out problems relating to production. 我們討論了有關(guān)生產(chǎn)的問(wèn)題。

we think all these are closely related questions. 我們認(rèn)為所有這些都是互相緊密聯(lián)系的問(wèn)題。

vt. 關(guān)聯(lián);有親屬關(guān)系 be in the same family

we have the same name but we’re not related. 我們是同姓,但沒(méi)有親戚關(guān)系。

i am related to your family. 我和你家有親戚關(guān)系。

vi. 相關(guān);合適 have connection; fit in

your words don’t relate well with the facts. 你的話與事實(shí)不相符。

he notices nothing but what relates to himself. 除了同他自己有關(guān)的事情之外,他什么也不注意。

relate to : 1) 與…有關(guān);涉及 be in relationship with, have reference to

this paragraph relates to the october revolution. 這一節(jié)內(nèi)容是論述十月革命的。

2) 很好相處;適應(yīng) establish a social or sympathetic relationship with

she’s best at relating to people. 她最善于與人們相處。

be related to 與…有親屬關(guān)系,同一類型,物種

are you related to margaret? 你與瑪格麗特是一家人嗎?

are you related to alanis, the singer? 你與阿蘭妮斯,那個(gè)歌星有親屬關(guān)系嗎?

the zebra is related to the horse. 斑馬和馬是同一物種。

17. try out

the director is trying out some actors for the new play. 導(dǎo)演為那個(gè)新戲正請(qǐng)幾位演員試演。

we won’t know if the plan is good till we have tried it out.


you ought to try out that radio before you buy it. 那部收音機(jī)你應(yīng)該試了再買。

i’ll try it out and see whether it works. 我試試,看它是否有效。

i was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself. 我還準(zhǔn)備親自嘗試剪紙。

vi. homework do the exercise 10

lesson 4 dream houses


☆ to practise using the vocabulary of houses and rooms.

☆ to practise intensive reading and understanding the inferences in a text.

☆ to assess the difficulty of reading texts and comprehension exercises.

☆ to to practise the differences between american and english vocabulary.

☆ to plan and talk about a design for a study or bedroom.

☆ to listen to a description of a room and take notes.


work in pairs. discuss what your dream house would be like.

use the key words to help you.

example i’d like a big, modern flat in central shanghai. it would have…

key words

houses: cottage, flat, house, palace, castle

rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, sitting room, hall, games room, kitchen

show some pictures of some kinds of houses and rooms.


read the text quickly. which of these things did the girl’s dream house have?

a swimming pool, a big garden (yard) with trees, a balcony, running water, a games room, three washrooms, “real” stairs, a basement


a big garden(yard) with trees;running water;three bathrooms(washrooms);

“real” stairs;a basement.


☆ read the text again and answer these questions:

1) how many places has the girl lived in?

a lot/ she can’t remember.

2) where did she live before mango street? why did they leave?

a third floor on loomis. they had to leave because the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn’t fix them.

3) why did the girl want at least three bathrooms?

so that, when she took a bath, she would’t have to tell everybody.

4) who did mama and papa talk to about their dream house?

to the children.

5) what do you think was the biggest problem with the house on mango street?

students give their own answers, with reasons.

☆ read the text carefully, finish the multiple-choices.

1.how many places the writer lived are mentioned in the text?

a. one b. two c. six d. we don’t know the exact number.

2. which of the following statements about the house on mango street is true?

a. we need to pay rent to landlord.

b. the house is not a wanted house at all.

c. we should share the garden with others.

d. we can’t make too much noise there.

3.a landlord is _________.

a. a businessman b. a piece of land

c. an owner of a house d. a cleaner

4.why did they leave the flat on loomis?

a. because the house was too old.

b. because water pipes broke and nobody would fix them.

c. because we should share the washroom with others and carry water by ourselves.

d. all of the above.

5.can you find out the words in the text to replace them: garden, repair, toilet?

a. yard, flat , pipe b. fence, fix, pipe c. gallon, fix, basement d. yard, fix, washroom

6. the passage is mainly about________.

a. the places where they lived before moved to mango street.

b. the life on mango street

c. a dream house and a real house on mango street

d. the reasons why they moved to mango street. answers: 1 dbcdd, 6 c


american and british words

☆ find words in american english in the text which mean the same as these:

garden (line 8), to repair (line 12), toilet (line 13)

1 yard 2 to fix 3 washroom 4 basement

☆ match the american words with the british ones (underlined) in the text below.

after the (1)holidays i moved into my new (2)flat. it’s not in the (3)centre of the city, but it’s near an (4)underground station. it’s on the (5)ground floor of an house. it’s got a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. the only problem is the (6)lorry which goes past at 7 o’clock every morning to collect the (7)rubbish and which wakes me up!

1 vacation 2 apartment 3 downtown area 4 (a) subway 5 first floor 6 truck 7 garbage


☆ how many of the objects below can you see in the photo of the room from fallingwater house?

key words

ceiling, walls, floor, door, window, french windows, curtains, chair, table, sofa, desk, bookshelves, bed, plants, lamp


ceiling; walls; floor; window; french window; fireplace; chair; table; sofa; plants.

☆ work in pairs. find out about your partner’s room.


a: where is the bed?

b: it’s in the bottom right hand corner. next to it there’s a …

do you like your partner’s room? why or why not?


write a passage to describe your own bedroom.

kind of furniture, position of furniture, colours (walls/ceiling/door/window)

key points

18. rent v. 租用;租入 to pay a sum of money for the use of property or goods

we don’t own our house, we rent it. 我們自己沒(méi)有房子,這是租來(lái)的。

n. 租金;租費(fèi) a sum of money paid for the use of property or goods

the rent for the apartment is $80 a month. 那套公寓的租金為每月八十美元。

19. mercy n.[u] 慈悲,寬恕 kindness, not punishing someone when you have the right or power to punish him

have mercy on us! 可憐可憐我們吧。

the people’s enemies will be shown no mercy. 人民的敵人決不會(huì)得到寬恕。

they showed little mercy on their enemies. 他們對(duì)敵人不留情。

n.[c] 幸運(yùn),僥幸 blessing

we must be thankful for small mercies. 對(duì)小小的恩惠,我們也應(yīng)當(dāng)感恩。

that’s a mercy! 那真幸運(yùn)!

20. bathe vt. 浸;洗;沖洗 wash a part of the body

he bathed his dirty hands. 他洗他的臟手。

bathe your blistered finger in hot water. 把你那起皰的手指浸在熱水里吧。

i was bathed in sweat. 我汗流浹背。 she was bathed in tears. 她哭成了一個(gè)淚人。

vi. 在河或海里洗浴;游泳 swim or play in the sea, river, etc.

let’s go bathing in the river. 我們到河里去洗澡吧。

n. (在海里、河里)洗澡 bathing in the sea, river, etc.

i went for a bathe this morning. 我今天上午洗海水澡(或游泳)去了。

bath n. 洗澡 washing the whole body

i have a bath every evening. 我每天晚上都洗澡。 john wants to take a bath, too. 約翰也想洗澡。

we love to take cold baths in winter. 我們喜愛(ài)在冬天洗冷水澡。

n. 淋浴 shower a solar bath 日光浴

n. 澡盆;浴缸 big basin where you sit to wash yourself

amelia got into the bath. 阿米莉進(jìn)了澡盆。 clean out the bath. 請(qǐng)把澡盆清理干凈。

a wooden (large, etc.)bath 木(大)澡盆 a bath room 浴室 bath tub 澡盆

n. 洗澡水 the water, or water for a bath

his bath was too hot. 他的洗澡水太熱。 her bath is ready. 她的洗澡水已準(zhǔn)備好了。

vt. 給…洗澡 give a bath to

mrs lee is bathing the baby. 李太太正在給嬰兒洗澡。

communication workshop

21. conclude vt. 結(jié)束 to bring or come to an end

he concluded his speech with a slogan. 他用一句口號(hào)結(jié)束了演說(shuō)。

the meeting was concluded with the college song. 會(huì)議在校歌聲中結(jié)束。

the meeting was concluded yesterday. 會(huì)議昨天結(jié)束了。

conclude by remarking that ... 結(jié)束時(shí)說(shuō)……

fitly conclude one’s article 很適當(dāng)?shù)亟Y(jié)束文章

vt. 推斷出;斷定 come to an idea after thinking

when he ran away from me, i concluded he was afraid. 當(dāng)他從我這里跑掉時(shí),我斷定他害怕了。

we concluded that the animal was dead as it did not move.


vt. 完成;締結(jié) bring about as a result; complete

they concluded a treaty of peace. 他們締結(jié)了一個(gè)和平條約。

peace has not yet been concluded. 和平(條約)尚未締結(jié)。

conclude a treaty with the country 與該國(guó)締結(jié)條約

conclude a treaty between the two countries 兩國(guó)間締結(jié)條約

conclude an agreement with sb. 與某人締結(jié)協(xié)議

vi. 終了;結(jié)尾 come to an end; end

the report concludes as follows. 報(bào)告結(jié)論如下。