
時間:2023-07-06 作者:Youaremine 作文大全





hello, everyone. i am a 16-year-old boy with great confidence. my name is alek. i am a student from haimen dongzhou middle school.

i love english. i’ve been interested in english since i first learnt it. gradually, my interest grew and grew, and now, when i speak english, i try to speak it loudly and clearly. in my daily life, i take every chance to practise my english. i am becoming more and more confident in my english ability. i believe nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. with the help of english. i am sure i will be a man of the world because english is a bridge to the world.

i am fond of playing ping-pong. whenever there’s a ping-pong match, i always try to watch it, to see how the players play and learn their techniques.

i also enjoy music. music makes me relax and happy. so, i often listen to music while i’m lying in bed. i really enjoy that happy time.

my favourite food is beef. i like it ever so much because i think it’s the most delicious food in the world.

i like the color green best. green stands for hope and life. it gives life and fills me with energy.

so, that’s me, a boy with great confidence and a lot of hobbies.

as usual, i got up at six in the morning today. i am an early bird because it says “the birds get up early can catch worm”, well, i wasn't going to catch “worm”, even not the one in my computer, haha, they were actually some viruses in my computers, i guess it's because i use pirated software all the time. anyway, i did exercises and then studied for a while just like before, but i got one more special thing to do today: shopping. you know what? today is saturday, it means i don't have school.

the next thing happens made me happier today was when i went out shopping with my friends, a person looks someone who was just travlling here ask me for direction. i told him the direction but it seems he didn't get it, so i decided to walk with him to the place he wanted to go to. and finally, we found the place yep!

and then, after i helped him, i met a beggar, he asked me for 2 dollars to buy food, what? i have only 3 dollar, so i gave him 1.5. i was so kind. yep!i am so happy!

somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. age separates us now and little else. we agree on most everything, perhaps because we've learned there isn't much worth disagreeing about. however, i would like to mention that fly fishing isn't all you've cracked it up to be, dad. you can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...

i've been happily drifting for a lot of years, dad, and i didn't see you getting older.

i suppose i saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. numbers never seemed important. but the oddest thing happened last week. i was at a stop sign and i watched as you turned the corner in your car. it didn't immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. it was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. perhaps i saw your age for the first time that day. or maybe i saw my own.

for this snowstorm, in order to allow the victims of the snowstorm in the restoration of normal life as soon as possible, a large-scale donor activities began. online publicity in calling for the release of the postings, and many factories and companies have generously star performers also have given their own a love those old super-women, men also faster and harder for the donor to the streets promotional activities. united states, japan, china also donated many of the funds.

eating snow merciless land, and the cold winter wind and pain to people's face, a broad bing-shuang moment frozen in the road. all seem to have become difficult, snow is like a white demon with our raging snow aiai bixiang snow mountains, unable to find the way out. however, we will not admit defeat! we also have “l(fā)ove”! no matter what natural and manmade disasters have been carrying the love! it is like a bouquet of light, lit the path of hope, we are no longer afraid, no longer fear!

there is a feeling is cold, there is a force called “l(fā)ove”!

love is in a winter sunshine is hungry and cold people feel the warmth of the world; love is in the desert in recent springs, to the brink of desperate people to see the life of the hope of love is a floating in the night sky in the songs, so that in the loneliness without access to spiritual consolation; love is a long spell of drought in the flesh littered the land of the mannose, withered soul feelings of the people feel nourished.

in the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages we do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with.

the workers luo luo chang-ming, zhou jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! we respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end!

leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees. i still remember that prime minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on all that frame, still remember a photograph that young policewoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling women with a spoon feeding the hands of the baby; still remember electrician were in the towers, waving the chisel, then scattered under the shadow of borneol; still remember that after the rescue, tents, the soldiers sleeping face……


nowadays, “grab a red envelope” becomes a hit. according to the statistics, up to the beginning of new year, the number of the interaction about grabbing a red envelope reached 11 billion. and the peak of the speed even reached 810 million per minute. we can see the irritability of the activity.

but why? i think the vacuity of spring festival gala is a reason. also, with the development of people's environmental awareness, people don't set off fireworks gradually. so a new green interesting spring festival custom is needed to fill the vacancy. then, “grab a red envelope” appears. it becomes a nation game due to this phenomenal time.

i believe that there are advantages and disadvantages of grabbing a red envelope. there are many people who couldn't go home to be with their own families. “grab a red envelope” as a combination of traditional culture and modern technology can male a bond of people who are out and afar to improve the spring festival's atmosphere. but on the other hand, there are many people grabbing a red envelope all the time and their families are desolated. they ignore the most precious affection. and it's obvious that more and more people are robbed from families by a red envelope. so from this point of view, grabbing a red envelope destroys our spring festival.

this is my view. and we should reasoningly treat it.




1. i am writing to ask for more information about it.


2. there are some pieces of information that i'd like to share with you.


3. the most significant thing you should keep in mind is that…




enjoy a relaxing study break

in beautiful lancaster


language centre and college of arts

university of lancaster

languages - english - french - spanish

arts - politics - sociology - history

3wk, 6wk and 12wk courses


reasonable fees


accommodation service

dear sir / madam,

i am a student in china and i plan to go to britain to attend a summer school during the vacation. i've seen your ad, and i'd like to know something more about your six-week english courses.

first, when will the course start and how many class hours are there per week? besides, i wish there would not be too many students in a class. i'd also like to know how much i have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.

would there be host family or university dormitory?

i am looking forward to your early reply.

yours faithfully,

li hua


讓大眾追隨你 let the crow follow you

when the trend is followed by the public, then it becomes the fashion. most girls will follow the dressing style and promotes the trend. we are the ordinary people and easy to be attracted by the fashion, so the one who creates the fashion is like the hero, changing the world. lady gaga is the lengend, for she refused to follow the fashion, instead, she created the fashion. at first, her exaggerating dress style were laughed by the media, but it caught the public’s attention, especially favored by the young people, because they thought it was so individual. soon lady gaga was hot and she had fans around the world. her story inspires the young people to chase their dreams, never to lose their own features for following the crowd. everybody can have the ability to creat his own fashion.

當(dāng)趨勢受到大眾的追捧時,那么它就變成了時尚。大多數(shù)女孩會追隨穿衣風(fēng)格,并且促進(jìn)這一時尚的發(fā)展。我們是普通人,很容易被時尚所吸引,因此,創(chuàng)造時尚的人就像是英雄,改變了世界。lady gaga是傳奇,因為她拒絕追隨時尚,相反,她創(chuàng)造了時尚。起初,她夸張的衣服風(fēng)格被媒體笑了,但這引起了公眾的注意,特別是深受年輕人的喜愛,因為他們認(rèn)為這是這么有個性。很快lady gaga大熱,她在世界都有粉絲。她的故事激勵了年輕人去追逐自己的夢想,永遠(yuǎn)不要為了追隨大眾而失去自己的特性。每個人都有能力創(chuàng)造自己的時尚。


dear ______ ,

①i have learned with delight that you ______(祝賀事由). ②i would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on ______. ③you must be ______. ④and i feel very happy for you.

⑤ ______(所取得的成績)is quite exciting news! ⑥i know this is surely owing to ______(被祝賀人過去的努力).⑦it is a reward you richly deserve for your ______(被祝賀人的優(yōu)點).

⑧kindly let me know when you ______(咨詢對方何時有空).⑨i hope ______(表達(dá)自己的愿望). ⑩my best wishes for your further success.

yours sincerely,

li hua