
時間:2023-08-20 作者:dopmitopy 作文大全




my school is in the east of zouping.there are some modern buildings in my school.it was built in 20xx.there are a lot of trees and flowers around it.

the school looks like a big garden.more than 20xx students are studying in my school and about 150 teachers are working for us students here.

the teachers are very strict with us in our lessons.they work hard and often discuss how to teach the lessons together.

they all do well in teaching and they are very good with us.also they are very friendly to us.

we often talk with each other about something that interest us together.besides,we often do sports together on the ground.we all know it’s very important for us to keep fit.

i love my school a lot.


i'm sandy. i study in hangzhou experimental foreign language school. school is my second home in my life. it provides a nice environment for me to study and live.

my school is very big and beautiful. there are many flowers, many trees and some grass. they are very nice. there are eighty teachers and more than one thousand students in my school.

in the school building, there are a lot of classroom. they’re big and bright. my classroom is on the second floor, and there are teachers’ offices, computer labs, science labs, a book bar ,an english bar and so on.

i like the book bar best. i often read books in it . i have a lot of friends here, too . i’m very happy in the school.

i like my school very much. would you like to come and have a look?






huamei is the garden as well as a school we live and study in. it has more green trees than the classrooms. when you come into our school,you can see two tall buildings.in the buildings there are two computer rooms,an art room,a music room a library and many classrooms. i like to go to the library,because i like reading books.my teachers often tell us:“reading is good for you.”near the buildings there is a big playground.we can play football,basketball and games on it.

my school is far away from the city, the air here is fresh and bright, we have some special activates except the normal classes. every monday and wednesday’s afternoon, we join our favorite clubs ,there are sports club, music club, art club, writing club and so on. it is important for us to join some clubs, because we can have fun and learn something new about other things.

the students come from different country. we study and play together. we get up early to do exercise in the morning ,when you come to our school very early, you can see many lovely children are doing the morning exercise, they run after each other, they jump to the trees, sit on the 3 elephants, play with their dear teachers, it is very peaceful.

the teachers here are kind and nice. they are not only our teachers but also our friends. my school is wonderful, i want to grow up at my school.

let's talk about our school's cleanliness. i think we still have a lot to do with it. first, we should clean the whole school at least txice a day. second, i know many students like eating lunch in the playground so that they can have more time to play basketball or play football. i think it is really a bad habit. we should protect our school's cleanliness, not destory! in some ways, our shcool is not very clean. but it is much better now than before. i hope our school will be much cleaner. that's all. thank you!


i’m a primary school student and my school is beautiful. it is not too big or too small. but it is old, because it has a long history. it has many flowers and trees. they very beautiful. our school has seven classrooms, a teachers’ office and a playground. we study in the classroom, play games and do morning exercises in the playground. in my eyes, it is the most beautiful school. we are happy to study there.




放學(xué)后,我在校園里漫步,漫無目地看著這熟悉的校園,我思潮澎湃!在這百年老校里,我經(jīng)歷了曲折漫長但又快樂充實的成長歷程;我不僅豐富了自己的知識,還增強的組織能力,自信心等多方面的素質(zhì);更重要的是我還彌補了一些性格上的缺點,提高了自己的道德修養(yǎng)和思想境界。我從一個稚嫩的小孩成長為一個懂事的小學(xué)畢業(yè)生 ,一個即將邁入中學(xué)校園的懷有青春理想的少年。這個校園賦予我的太多太多了。她就像我的另一個家,她就是我的學(xué)?!翁锸袑嶒炐W(xué)。




after school, i walked on the campus and looked aimlessly at the familiar campus! in this century old school, i grew up long and tortuous but full of happiness; i not only enrich their knowledge, but also enhance the ability of organization, self-confidence and other aspects of the quality; more important is i also makes up some defects of character, improve their moral and ideological realm. i grew up from a young child to a sensible primary school graduate, a teenager who will soon enter the middle school and has a youthful ideal. this campus has given me too much. she is like my other home, and she is my school -- putian experimental primary school.

in september, 20xx, my mother sent me to this school, and since then, i have been telling stories about me and school every day. campus life is rich and colorful, remember the first grade when i was a child i do not know the importance of learning, every day the teacher assignments you ten minutes to finish, but i had to drag ten points have not done, next to her mother again nasty and scold, but i still slowly. second days and found that doing homework, scolded by the teacher, now think very funny! on the third grade, the teacher's help i get rid of the bad habit, learning method to improve a lot, get good grades; students and teachers in the infection, slowly i feel confident, positive class speech, the class with the students good communication, every day i in this campus happily grow up; now i was a happy child in the eyes of their parents, is a three good student in the teacher's eyes, in the eyes of the students is a good friend, but in my eyes i was a little girl with many shortcomings. in more than five years, i grew up in the cradle of the school, holding a heavy certificate, they can witness my school more than five years of growth process. i thank the school for everything!

more than five years of life in school will be the most unforgettable memory of my life. looking back, i was so proud of myself and looking forward to the future, i was confident. let me thank my alma mater with the most sincere words: thank you! i believe that his alma mater 100th anniversary will become the past, the future, a new starting point of innovation!


boys and girls !i want to tell you about our school trip.we're going to go on saturday .i hope you can all come .as you know ,we're going to visit the film museum.there are lots of very intersting things there about the cinema and how films are made .we'll have to leave at eight forty-five ,so don't be late .we'll get there by bus.please meet me in the car park.

what next ?oh yes, the cost .it'll be six dollars seventy each . now ,i'm going to give you some work to do at the museum .you need to write things dowm,so take a pencil and a notebook with you. we'll have lunch in the museum restaurant,so you needn't bring any food with you . well, i think that's everything.