
時(shí)間:2023-01-31 作者:dopmitopy 作文大全




i will bee a high school student this september. i am a little bit nervous about it. i have to do well in the high school entrance exam to enter a good high school. i will go to a different school, make new friends. most of all, i heard that there are much more courses in high school, i will be very busy in studying. i have been visiting a high school, there were many text books and papers on the desks in the class room. but i also saw the students in the high school were very active to join the extracurricular activities after school.

they had football and basketball matches, singing conferences, painting and calligraphy exhibitions and so on. so i am looking forward to be a high school student.


my favorite sports star is lindan.he is chinese.he plays badminton and he used to jion many contests.the last olympics games he joined is the london olympics games.he is a big winner who always beat others.he is very strict to himself.trainning almost takes up all his time.he has less time to relax than others.

as we all know,pratices makes perfect.it is his hard work that makes he be a man that no one can replace.his effort helps him win more and more games.i think that is why he finally can be such strong,can be himself.and we will success if we can work hard as him did.


wealth and success

when we hear about the celebrity and business tycoon, the first reaction is admiration. we envy their

success and great fortune, we dream to be one of them. the biggest success seems to own much money, actually, owning fortune doesn’t mean to be successful, fortune is not the necessary condition of success. the key points of true success are friendly relationships and a fulfilling life.


if we don’t have close personal relationship with family and friends, life would become boring, we will feel empty in our hearts. the money we earn would be worthless if we don’t have someone to share with. even though we are millionaires, we still be losers if we were friendless and alone. wealth may attract more people to flatter us, but when we have trouble, they will vanish quickly, leaving us alone.


in addition to above, the fulfill life is also necessary for a successful person. if people want to live with confidence and happiness, he must have a delightful career and interest. some lucky people who gain money in a short time, like hitting the lottery, but we don’t treat them as the successful part unless they contribute themselves in a real career.


any way, money doesn’t mean success, even there is no contradiction between them. the real successful person shares friendly relationship and a fulfilling life.



in my family, there are only three people, my parents and i. because of my parents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so i don’t have any siblings. i felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. now the government changed their policy, people can have the second child. but some people refuse because they think they can’t afford it. despite the expense, there are many advantages to have the second child. for one thing, the only child can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process of growing up. for another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share things together. learning to share things is a very important lesson for children. in chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but i think two are perfect for the family.在我的家庭,只有三個(gè)人,我的父母和我。因?yàn)楦改傅墓ぷ?他們只能有一個(gè)孩子,所以我沒有任何的兄弟姐妹。我感到孤獨(dú),當(dāng)我父母出去工作了。現(xiàn)在政府改變了政策,人們可以有第二個(gè)孩子。但有些人拒絕,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為他們負(fù)擔(dān)重。不考慮花費(fèi),生二孩有很多好處。首先,獨(dú)生子女有伴,因此在成長(zhǎng)的過程中不會(huì)感到孤獨(dú)。另一方面,兩個(gè)孩子會(huì)互相幫助,他們可以一起分享東西。學(xué)習(xí)分享事物對(duì)孩子來說是一個(gè)非常重要的課程。在中國(guó)的傳統(tǒng)中,越多孩子越好的,但我認(rèn)為兩個(gè)孩子對(duì)一個(gè)家庭來說是最好的。


nowadays, with long holidays at hand, traveling has become a new trend for us to relax ourselves outside work. some people even had made a plan for it a long time before the holiday begins. they usually travel with good friends or travel along; only few people take their parents into travel plan. however, i think it is high time for us to travel with parents.

in the first place, we should spend more time with parents. according to research, if we come home 5 days a year, spend 4 hours a day with parents, it would be less than 300 hours of 30 years, which means 25 days. we could see it now that there is not much time for us to spend with our parents after we go to work or have our own family. hence, we should travel with our parents.

in the second place, parents used to took us to travel when we were young, why don’t we take them as return when we are capable to do that. it is not the matter of we are set free from parents, we are not a traitorous teenager anymore, and we have time and money, of course we should take a trip with parents. holiday would be a good time for us to travel with parents, just like the old time.

to summarize, we should make a plan for parents in holiday. holiday is a great gift for us and our parents.


i always dream about returning to the past. as many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life.

children show you their true emotions. they know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults. in their world, all real thoughts are presented. they may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity. they enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other. only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

i wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.






since we go to school, english is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the english education. in the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak english fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. nowadays, english corner has be the main symbol for the english learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. joining the english corner can enhance people’s ability of speaking english. students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the english corner, they can speak what they want. as there are people from all classes in the english corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. if you have time, i suggest you to join the english corner.
