
時間:2023-05-03 作者:Mute 讀后感










hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is where harry potter and his friends learned about magic.、

harry potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to hogwarts.ron weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to hogwarts.hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to hogwarts.quirrell is hogwarts’s teacher,voldemort’s helper.voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.

harry never thought quirrell was helping voldemort. quirrel cought harry and let him to get the philospher’s stone, but when harry got it, he didn’t give it to quirrell, and voldemort came out,from the back of quirrell’s head!and voldemort orderd quirrell to catch harry and get the stone, but when quirrell touched harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.

harry defeated voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!

first is for ron, because he play the best game of chess hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.second is for her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.third is for harry, who defeated voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!last, for neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and gryffindor won!


during the american civil war, mr. madge went to the battlefield as chaplain, four daughters and her mother at home and lived a poor but strong and optimistic life. although they were poor, they were willing to help hummel, a neighbor who was more in need of help. women have vanity, they want to get beautiful clothes, eat delicious food, live like a princess. although full of fantasy, but in real life, they have been relying on their own efforts to solve all kinds of hardships in life. meg was the eldest daughter of beauty, full of longing for love; the two daughter of joe independent, determined to become a writer; three daughter bess is a traditional girl, gentle and lovely little daughter amy loves painting. the story follows the years when the four women grew up as young women, describing their uninhibited love experiences and their respective pursuit of different ideals and destination.

this is a book that looks very prosaic at the first glance. but when you go deep into it, you will be surprised to find that this book seems to be full of the shadow of yourself or some familiar people. to face and experience all the girls growing up in the age of the girl, can be found in this book: the first love and worry, differences between emotion and reason, the ideal and the reality, the contradiction between the rich and poor. the little woman has no plot of falling rocks and no suspense, but the author tells the family's love by simple words. watching and watching, i can not help but cry for them, inspired by their experience, and even pray for their misfortune. of course i was their humor laugh, they admire the courage to face difficulties...... unconsciously, i felt like i was one of them, watching and thinking about the plot of my mind.

i like meg, i like her love for poverty, not for money temptation character, like her lady style. i like joe, i like her freedom, i love her unswerving determination to dream. i love beth, love her quiet, do anything without complaining, she always love for others good character. i also like amy's belief that she is strong and regards poverty alleviation as the responsibility of poverty. their ideals and fates are different, but they all find their best home.

in their view, the home is their growing place, but also a sacred refuge. they listened carefully to their mother's teachings, and used their smart hands and brains to invent another creative and beautiful mind game. the growth process of the four sisters seems to be an interesting educational poem. the author uses neither gorgeous nor boring language to show us the great family, friendship and love of human beings. it seems to me that in the eyes of the four sisters, it is the happiest thing in the world to live forever with the people they love and those who love them.

from them, i learned to be strong, learned to know contentment, but can not meet, i learned to be full of hope for the future, and strive to pursue the dream of optimism. i also learned to double treasure what i have, don't wait for death to lose, only to know their commendable. we should find out the advantages of everyone, not with colored eyes, but see the shortcomings of others.


o.henry,originally named william sydeny porter,was a renowned american writer.he wrote about 300 short stories in his life,and all of his stories were ingeniously conceived and its endings were always contrary to reader"s expectations. when i was still a junior middle school student,i read the o.henry"s short stories at first time,without some profound understanding and appreciation in my mind.at that time,the sense of humor infiltrating in stories is the sole aesthetic acquisition i can gained after reading,with exception of any understanding about the underlying meanings which o.henry was apt to elucidate.but now,picking up these masterpieces after five years,i seemingly can get through some metaphorical thoughts conveyed by o.henry.

it is a univerisal common knowledge that a writer"s articles have firm relationship with his living condition and background.hence,a explicit knowledge of o.henry"s living background is significant.o.henry was born in 1862,when america"s economy was taking off and on the threshold of the second industrial revolution.and he passed away at 1910,just before wwi,without being involved in havoc brought by war.altogether,america enjoyed a steady prosperity in this period.while in the meantime,many new problems occured,accompanying by some new phonemenon such as the monopoly,assembly producting,imperialism,metopolitons and etc,which lead to a confusion and nebulous gratification among us citizens.

most o.henry"s short stories happened in new york,which was regarded as a romantic place.whether this city he created was real or fabricated is ultimately irrelevant.id like to quote a famous critics" sayingthe most noble pursuit of art,then, is not to be a representation of what is real,but to be true to what it is.to illustrate this issue.for instance,in the story,mr. behrman drew a leaf on the wall.but is this wall really keeps its exsistance?is it really located in a unknown corner of new york city? as far as i am concerned,it is just a manifestation of artistic characteristic of o.henry"s writing.whats more,the city also represented much of what was positive about american life:the excitment and endless varity of urban living.whereas,some of his stories focus on other areas as well,like texas and the west,central america,the south,the midest.in his story,it is a rash one who will lay his finger on the map and sayin this town there can be no romance---what could happen here?so,as a distinguished romanticist,he established a marvelous,romantic stroy in nashville.

on the other hand,o.henry"s fictions overwhelmingly show a cue of optimisticism towards usa,an expression of the b faith in the american dream before it become a nightmare.many poor people and immigrants cherish such an america dream,which is nebulous,implicit to some extent.it seemed like that presupposing one has eternal confidence in life,he will recieve his reward in time.so lovers in o.henry"s stories,who often seperated by fate and destiny,were doomed to reunite out of their faith and confidence in hearts.joy,happiness and success also becomes the essence of life.

in conclusion,o.henry made remarkable and collossal contribution to american literature,which has already portrayed as summit of this area.beckoning as it is,these stories really bring us a fabulous aesthetic experience while reading,regardless of his seemingly sentimental expression.


recently read a foreign translation of classics, "little women", often by the author that humorous and lively simple words moved by impregnation, sometimes strongly hope not delay the breath read it; sometimes can't help to slow down to careful aftertaste its classic discourse; even my mind will appear in the book of the picture, the mood ups and downs with the plot ups and downs.

open the cover page of the book, the author of the translation press said it was all girls must read good books. is curiosity, attracted me to read on it is the introduction, the above said by a little girl's experience to us a person what happiness, how to meet the truth.

in this materialistic flying so-called height of the development of the network world, people often ask what is happiness blankly, i also will feel perplexed in the face of such problems. what causes such a dull numbness of the world? and who can be responsible for the "materialistic" situation?

wish all the girls read this book. happiness is in jail, we hand out trick; happiness is when the storm of thunder lightning outside, we can stay warm hut; happiness is another when a child is with parents who are severe control, glad that you have a pair of amiable honorable mom and dad. happiness is when people have money but also ignominy, you i'm glad you have good character.

is really full paper absurd speech! i wish every one of us can cherish the hands have treasure! hope we would be happy!








