
時(shí)間:2023-07-18 作者:Surplus 備課教案






備課不充分會(huì)嚴(yán)重影響課堂的氣氛及學(xué)生的積極性;一堂準(zhǔn)備充分的課,會(huì)令學(xué)生和老師獲益不淺。平時(shí),我緊抓 備、教、改、輔、查等教學(xué)中的重要環(huán)節(jié)。備課時(shí)掌握每一節(jié)課的教學(xué)內(nèi)容及重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn),同時(shí)還要能根據(jù)學(xué)生的實(shí)際情況,采用不同的教學(xué)方法。所以,老師每天都要有充足的精神,讓學(xué)生感受到一種自然氣氛。這樣,授課就事半功倍。
















教學(xué)過程: (一)熱身/復(fù)習(xí)(warm-up/revision)

1.教師播放學(xué)過的歌謠(第三冊(cè)第五頁的 “work and play”),讓學(xué)生跟隨聲音說唱。

2. 播放第三冊(cè)第一單元課件let’s learn a ,回顧句型:“what’s in the classroom? a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.”自然過度到學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)校各課室的名稱。

(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (presentation)

1. 教師指著教室問學(xué)生:this is our new classroom. do you like our classroom? what’s in the classroom? 學(xué)生做出相應(yīng)的回答。教師接著問:how many classrooms are there in our school? do you like our school? what else can you see in the school? look! this is a map of our school.

2.播放本課的聲音let’s learn a, 教讀生詞。教師可引入句型“it’s on the first floor.,為下一課時(shí)進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)序數(shù)詞做鋪墊。通過教師領(lǐng)讀和聽音跟讀,讓學(xué)生掌握本課時(shí)五個(gè)生詞的正確讀音。在練習(xí)library的發(fā)音時(shí),可復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)過的含輔音連綴的單詞,如ice-cream, brother, friend, hungry。

(三)趣味操練 (practice)

1.小組比賽。教師出示一張?jiān)~卡,如garden,組內(nèi)學(xué)生依次說出與該詞有關(guān)的其它單詞,如:flowers,red,colour,trees等,這樣既復(fù)習(xí)了學(xué)過的單詞,也為繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)let’s do打下基礎(chǔ)。

2.看let’s do的圖片(沒有文字),讓學(xué)生仔細(xì)看動(dòng)作,然后跟著聲音做動(dòng)作。播放聲音,教師指導(dǎo)學(xué)生做出正確的動(dòng)作。然后分組進(jìn)行練習(xí),采用組與組競(jìng)賽的方式,可以是做動(dòng)作猜句子并說出單詞,也可以是聽聲音,做動(dòng)作。讓其他的組的學(xué)生進(jìn)行評(píng)價(jià)。評(píng)價(jià)包括動(dòng)作是否準(zhǔn)確、到位、優(yōu)雅等。


1.做本單元a let’s learn 部分的活動(dòng)手冊(cè)配套練習(xí)。

2.和同桌一起玩“畫畫、想想”的游戲。一名學(xué)生在紙上畫一本書或一個(gè)碗,另一名學(xué)生說出library, canteen 等相關(guān)生詞。

3.試一試給同伴、朋友或家長發(fā)let’s do 中的指令。



more insects and plants


look and read play a game


1. 知識(shí)目標(biāo):using possessive adjectives to show possession using nouns phrases to identify people,animals,events,objects and activities asking simple questions to obtain yes/no answers

2. 能力目標(biāo):communicate with teachers or other learners

3. 情態(tài)目標(biāo):愛護(hù)綠化


its stalk is long. has it got …?

teaching aids:pictures,recorder


一、warming –up

1,sing a song

2,daily talk

revision review:stalk,leaves,flowers,roots,


1.show a picture of a plant with flowers. ask:what is it?is it a tree? to elicit:a plant/ ask:what colour are the flowers? what colour are the leaves? to elicit:they?re… ask:are they long or short? to elicit:they?re long(short) .

2.draw another plants. say:look at this plant.its flowers are red. look at that plant .its flowers are purple.

3.listen to the tape.

4.say sth.about the plant .

show a picture of a tree. introduce:a trunk,branches.

make sentences:its trunk is big. it branches are long.

listeen to the tape.

say sth about the tree.

play the cassette:

play a game/ listen and repeat.

play this game.


1.photocopiable pages 44-45.

2.workbook page 29.

3.grammar practice book 4a page 35.


unit 2 look at,,, its stalk is…

its trunk is…

leaves are …branches… roots flowers


?a day in the park】

the first period

aims and demands:

1.be able to master the words :mask, their.

2.be able to master the sentences: whose…is it? whose….are they?

3.be able to master the phonetics: sn, sl, sw

i. pre-task

1. warming-up.

song or chant.

2.daily talk

1) quick response.

what does your father do?

has he got a red shirt?

how many shirts has he got?

what does he like?

what’s your mother?

does she like dogs?

what has she got?


a. show some pictures.

t: i have got many pictures. please look and say according to the dialogue.(bicycle, car, kite, skateboard, dress, shirt, bag…)

--- what does your father do? ---he is a dentist.

--- has he got a shirt? ---yes.

---is this his shirt? ---no, his shirt is red.

---whose shirt is it? ---it’s my brother’s.

1. revision.

1) say the plural nouns.(上面的圖片)

2) read and choose the correct words, then read it.

---i have a good friend. (he; his ) name is tom.

----this is my mother. (she; he) is a nurse. (she, her)hair is long. … (you; your) are a pupil. (you; your) brother is a fireman.

---there are some (flys, flies)in the sky. (it, they)are white.

---- (who; whose) bag is it? it’s (my; me) bag.

ii. while-task

1. whose…is it? it’s…

1) (接著上面最后一題)t: this is your bag. (拿起自己的包)look, whose bag is it? (it’s your bag.) (拿起學(xué)生的書)whose book is it? (it’s ___’s book..)

2) work in pairs. (whose….is it? it’s…)

3) listen and repeat.(p42)

4) say and act.

2. whose…are these? they’re….

1) oh, i see two rubbers. whose rubbers are these? they’re peter’s rubbers. (repeat)

2) read the sentences.

3) ask and answer. (可提供圖片,放一張頭飾圖片)

eg: whose books are these? they’re her books.

3. mask, their

1)t: oh, i see a mask. and i know it’s their mask.

2) read the words: mask, their.

3) t: whose mask is it? ss: it’s their mask.

4. ask and answer. (提供關(guān)鍵詞,有單數(shù),有復(fù)數(shù))

dress ,my parrot; their shirts, your mask, his dogs, our bag, her

slide, your swing, their

1) read the words.

2) ask and answer.

whose…is it? it’s… whose… are these? they are…. 5.learn the sounds.

1)t: oh, your slide and heir swing are beautiful. look, some snakes are on the slide and the swing.

2) read the sentence.

3) repeat the words: snake slide swing

4) listen ,complete and read.

snow sleep swim smith speak steal

iii. post-task


eg: ---danny, is it your ball? ---no,it isn’t. my ball is red.

---whose ball is it? ---it’s peter’s ball.

---peter, is it your ball? ---yes, it is.

---here you are. --- thank you.

---that’s all right.

1) read the dialogue.

2)act out the dialogue.

3) make a new dialogue.

eg: ___,are these your … no, my…are…

whose…are these? they are….

2. change the sentences.

1) this is a mask.(提問)

2) it’s their car. (提問)

3) my father is a policeman. (兩種提問)

4) it has a long stalk.(換種表達(dá)方式,意思不變)

5) there are two flies on the table. (提問)


1.listen and repeat.







()1、what would you like?

a、i’d like some beef.b、let me try.c、help yourself.

()2、how much?

a、here’s a fish.b、great.c、five yuan.

()3、can i have some rice, please?

a、thanks.b、sure.c、let me try.

()4、mom, can i help?

a、yes. pass me a fork. b、me too.c、i’d like an egg.

()5、see you tomorrow.

a、thank you.b、good night.c、see you.



f、謝謝你g、饑餓的h、 刀i、盤子j、勺子

1、() hungry2、() thank you3、() fork

4、() soup5、() chopsticks6、() knife

7、() vegetable8、() plate9、() noodles

10、 ()spoon


()1、what would you like for dinner?

()2、can i have some noodles, please?

()3、i like chinese food.

()4、is this your bedroom?

()5、what can you see in my room?

()6、how much?

()7、where are the keys?

a、they’re in the door.

b、yes, it is.

c、i’d like an egg, some milk and a hamburger.

d、si_ yuan.

e、sure. here you are.

f、me too.

g、i can see a chair and a desk.


mike: mom, i’m hunger. what’s for dinner?

mom: wait and see. what would you like?

mike: i’d like some noodles, some beef, some fish and soup.

mom: what would you like for dinner, amy?

amy: i’d like some fish and vegetables, please.

mom: what would you like, dear?

dad: i’d like some noodles and some fish.

mom: everything’s ready.

amy: thank you, mom.

mike: great!

dad: thanks.

()1、mom: what would you like?

mike: i’d like some noodles and some vegetables.

()2、mom: what would you like?

amy: i’d like some fish and vegetables.

()3、mom: what would you like?

dad: i’d like some rice and some fish.

()4、mom: everything’s ready.

mike: great.

()5、there are five people in mike’s family.



二、a c b a c

三、g f c e b h a i d j

四、c e f b g d a

五、× √ × √ ×